need help with white fuzzy bugs

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
thanx...that what ive been doing and it seems 2 b working

i only see 1 or 2 on each plant and i just spray them off with neem or just water

i noticed when it rains they all get knocked off of their branches and have to find a new home,even on all the other plants around them


Well-Known Member
If you're sure they're related to a moth, Bt might help as well.

I see something similar on my Meyer's Lemon some years, but never enough to get excited over.

I thought it was some sort of scale.

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
If you're sure they're related to a moth, Bt might help as well.

I see something similar on my Meyer's Lemon some years, but never enough to get excited over.

I thought it was some sort of scale.
ya i dont even know if they are doing any harm to my plants

it doesn't seem like they are,looks like they are just chillin there

but i dont like the white powdery residue they leave on the stems where they chill

Would the BT still work if they are not eating the plant?????

thanx n later

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Not spider mites...these appear to be Mealybugs. There are all kinds of controls available. Inseciticidal soaps, Horticultural Oil, Contact-inseciticides etc. If you want it fast, down and dirty a simple application of Sevin (Carbaryl) should take care of the problem. It also begins to degrade fairly rapidly (at label recommended rates) and is a broad spectrum insecticide so it takes out many insects. Its been in use since 1958 and is used worldwide but that is unlikely to stop the peanut gallery from complaining that "Its not organic dude!". From what I have seen the concoctions that many people suggest aren't either. I'm fairly certain that ridiculously high concentrations of tobacco juice in a spray bottle don't occur naturally but since someone didn't buy it from a evil corporation hell bent on making a profit by making a product that (gasp!) actually works, they think it must be safer. ......Yep Off my soapbox

Str8 Smokin

Active Member
whats up i havent used the sevin yet because its been raining like everyday and the bugs get knocked off when it rains so i havent needed it, i got some and will use it when needed and let u know... thanx alot man......later

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Silver leaf white fly. "Looks cotton like and leaves cotton looking eggs." Beast tricked me into thinking mold!!:cuss: They lay their eggs around the viens of the leaves and branches. The fly itself doesn't damage the leaf. What comes out the eggs does!! The larve like to feed on annuals.
Hate em they are hard to squish.:cuss:.IMG_20130519_152022.jpgIMG_20130519_145151.jpg

Po boy

Well-Known Member
Just checking to see if you still have mealybugs after the Sevin app. pretty fast knockdown with that product.
look like mealy bugs to me,also. as Carl said, Sevin has been around a long time. i've used it for serious problems for 30 years. it's also good for many insect problems, but like Carl said it's not organic so use it as a last resort. GL