Need help with wilted plants pics included


My plants are wilting quickly in the vegative stage. After 30 days or so of veg in ff ocean/perlite (2:1), the plants received 600 ppm of grow big at 6.4 pH twice over the course of 8 days. After the second fertilization the plants quickly turned dark green and wilted. I assume they are unable to obtain nutes and need to be flushed. Any help or insight in troubleshooting this would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
with that amount of perlite they need alot of moisture. do your pots feel like they have enought moisture ?

i would say yes to a flush as they look like they are dry


Right now the pots do seem very dry. I have been watering my veg room about every 4 days, but maybe thats not enough.

Maximus cannabis

Active Member
Are you sure they're dry? Are you just feeling the top layer? That looks like over watering, not under. Under watering will cause the nodes to collapse, but over will cause the leaves to start to droop.

Get a moisture meter from hope depot. You need to check the moisture at the root level.

IMHO. Good luck.


Thanks everyone. I checked with my moisture meter at root level, plants were extremely dry. Watered moderately with no nutes, pH 6.5. First time they have dried out this quick. Will update later.