need help


Active Member
ok heres my problem im out of rolling papers cant go to shop and i dont own a bong or pipe any ideas on how i can smoke my weed i need ideas and tuts would be a big help.


Active Member
Try using a pipe, or make a gravity bong or you can just pull some back pages out of a bible( the ones without ink). You can also search it on here.


Well-Known Member
When I was young I use to use gum wrapper,I would take off all the tin foil off by heating it up with a lighter on the foil side this will loosen up the sticky stuff on the foil,then to get it to stick together I used honey on the end.Or a pipe made of aluminum foil which is harsh.


Well-Known Member
bone pipe :)

Lol, man it sucks to run out of papers... I can tell you how to make a pipe with a winebottle, but it may be a bit much for your joint smoker lungs... certainly is for mine by now.
Just go to bed early. Realy happy since I allready scored two pretty glass one hitters this year. Still prefer the joint if the weed is ample.

Please don't smoke out of aluminium.