need help


Active Member
I'm a newcomer to growing and I could use a little bit of help from others with more experience. I have the time to invest, but want to learn how to do things the right way. I would like to start off simple and have approximately $12,000 dollars to invest. My intention is to grow two different ways. I would like to try the hydro-phonic and sea of green and maybe dirt, but I am looking for feedback on which two methods would be the best to start with that will also quickly produce the most yield. I plan for the growing to occur indoors in an empty house, where the basement and attic could also be used in addition to the main open space. My expectation is to yield at least 20 lbs between the two growing methods. I could also use some recommendations as to how to set up the growing areas in order to produce the best lighting, airflow, temperature, etc. Also, I am looking for good websites that are credible, secure, inexpensive, and trustworthy to order seeds, lighting, and other materials from.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
You take a risk anytime you buy seeds cos the seed banks are outside the us. and if you have 12,000 to invest then you prolly already have a good idea.. my advice is just read a lot of grow journals.

are you going to be growing to sell or for your own use?


Active Member
thanks alot im up for any help that i can get right now and if its ok to ask were would u suggest i get the seeds from ????


Well-Known Member
i have successfully bought seeds from so thats what ill recommend. as for buying equipment, id say htgsupply, again cuz ive had nothing but good results with them. i think i would set up a room with some mother plants for cloning, keeping them in veg. clones will keep your time to finish down. hydro may be a bit much to start off with, but if you do your homework you should be fine. you could probably run 2 flower room easy. get yourself a few 1000 watt hps flowering. you will need some good ventilation and cooling units. i would probably have one room for mothers, one room for veg, and 2 rooms for flower if i had a full house to use. good luck

i really recommend you start in soil. its so much more forgiving that hydro. maybe start one room with like 20 or so plants under a few 1000k watt HM lights. then try your hand at cloning. and go from there. get a few 1kwatt hps lights for flowering in another room.