Need Help.

I'm a first time Grower. I've read a bunch of information on here and have discovered a lot but i'm still unsure on a couple of things. Can you get anything positive out of male plants? Is Miracle grow bad or good for the plants? How can you tell when you should start the flowering stage to your plants? And is lights running 24/7 do more bad then good for your plants?


Well-Known Member
NO. Nothing positive out of males.
Some use em for breeding but as you stated your a beginner and you do not need them!


Well-Known Member
unless you want pollen for breeding..or are making a little bit of hash, theyre useless..some people use miracle grow and it works fine..i personally dont use it..but some people have trouble using it because alot of their soils have time release its hard to use nutes without overfeeding when the soil already has (time release) nutes in it..most people flower based on height restrictions,,cause the plant will double or sometimes triple in size when they switch to 12/ i veg for 4 weeks and then flower..because that way the plant doesnt get too big for my growroom..some people veg 24/0..i veg 18/6, so the plants have a time to rest, either way will work, ive never seen a side by side comparison..


Well-Known Member
I was just about to answer your question, but I don't have to because Desr answered it for me. I agree with everything he said.

Oh, all of you are welcome to check out my blog. Its all about cannabis and will soon have growing 101. I am also now accepting pictures for my next picture of the week segment. I should probably call it bud of the week. And if anyone leaves a comment I will give you +Rep here. Just message me so I know who to Rep. The link to my blog is in my sig below.


Well-Known Member
^i like your post. thats what i have to say now because the like button is gone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah using mg is fine as far as flowering it really depends on your space. I go 24/7 lights on during veg as do a lot of others. They are weeds they really are not that hard to grow just remember to have patience.


i am also a first timer and have 2 bagseeds so im hoping for female. you have to keep an eye on ph, and nutes. 24/7 light is what i use to to my relatively small system

;-) keep up wit my journal in my sig so we can compare!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are going to need much more light. Remember with cfls the more light the better they make these cool little multi-ports for bulbs you might want to look into a few of those and fill em up with bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you are going to need much more light. Remember with cfls the more light the better they make these cool little multi-ports for bulbs you might want to look into a few of those and fill em up with bulbs.
Yup, I have done that before. Gotten splitters and doubled my bulbs. I was running a bunch for vegging. The splitters worked great because it set the lights up in a V so they were hanging perfectly over my plants. The plant was right in the middle as the lights hung down on each side of it. They loved it and bushed out bigtime. <------ For anyone who hasn't read about the raid on the cannabis cup. I have a article on it in my blog. Support the blog and stop bye. Leave a comment if your not to shy. Send me a message letting me know you left a comment and I will give you rep here. Thanks all!


Active Member
You could use them 2x 13w cfls on 1 plant for maybe a week before it starts demanding more. And as for the 24 hours of light the growth speed over 18/6 is really not worth the cost of running them that extra few hours. It'll all build up to a hefty sum.
ok thanks guys. Now i got another question i have an exhaust fan and an intake fan in my growbox but it still seems to get really warm in there at least 83 degrees or so and it also seems to be really dry is there anything that i can do to change this? get the humidity up a little bit?


Weed Modifier
ok thanks guys. Now i got another question i have an exhaust fan and an intake fan in my growbox but it still seems to get really warm in there at least 83 degrees or so and it also seems to be really dry is there anything that i can do to change this? get the humidity up a little bit?
add a small bucket of water with an air stone in your area...misting helps too, during veg. 83f is fine temp, just not anymore.

is your exhaust at top or area and intake down low?


Weed Modifier
yea my exhaust is at the top and intakes at the bottomive heard about topping there plants how do you do that
when plant has 4-6 nodes ( sets of leaves ) you can cut the very top off, which will stunt it for a bit, but will bounce back and should grow more top colas.