Need Help.


Well-Known Member
when plant has 4-6 nodes ( sets of leaves ) you can cut the very top off, which will stunt it for a bit, but will bounce back and should grow more top colas.
Yup, for you new growers out there that is called topping. And if you like topping you should read up on FIM. It stands for Fuck I Missed. The FIM method was discovered by mistake.


Weed Modifier
Yup, for you new growers out there that is called topping. And if you like topping you should read up on FIM. It stands for Fuck I Missed. The FIM method was discovered by mistake.
yes I prefer the FIM way less stress...pinching works great to, its just like FIM but you use your nail to pinch the tips of the shoots making side/lower growth Explode!

*Side note* but if its called Fuck I missed and its a "technique", then if you do it right, the name is wrong, should be Fuck I got it! right? lol


Well-Known Member
yes I prefer the FIM way less stress...pinching works great to, its just like FIM but you use your nail to pinch the tips of the shoots making side/lower growth Explode!

*Side note* but if its called Fuck I missed and its a "technique", then if you do it right, the name is wrong, should be Fuck I got it! right? lol
Lol true. But the reason he called it FIM was he was topping the plant but missed and only cut off like 80%. Then he discovered what it did and called it FIM.
Hey Guys i got another couple rookie questions. How do i messure the PH? and what kind of nutrients do i need and what does NPK mean and what are good numbers


Active Member
Hey Guys i got another couple rookie questions. How do i messure the PH? and what kind of nutrients do i need and what does NPK mean and what are good numbers
-Buy a pH test kit.
-Any vegging nutrients, 2 part (A+B) cheapo's are the best to start with.
-NPK stands for the base nutrients a plant needs in order to grow,
N - Nitrogen
P - Phosphorus
K - Potassium

Cannabis plants require a heavy dose of Nitrogen and you'll find most nutrients lack Nitrogen.. So you'll find it difficult finding a nutrient specifically for cannabis. Best bet is to look for a 10-10-10.
As most nutrients lack Nitrogen