Need Help!

Hello, I am a first time grower, I am not a expert just trying to learn as I Grow and learn from my mistakes and experience. These babies will be 4 weeks tomorrow, i have been watering(spraying)them the first 2 weeks with a unchecked Ph level water since i didnt have a Ph meter, and add less then a teaspoon hydro peroxide. I have Fed my plants twice when they were 3 weeks with tap water and Fox Farm grow 6-4-4 less then a tablespoon/gal. After feeding them 2 times i realized some of them look kinda burnt so stopped feeding them as im thinking its still a bit early to fed it Nutes since its in soil and has most of the nutes for now. I bought a Ph meter and have been controlling my Ph level to 7. also using a Kangen Water filter thats automatically at a 7.0 Ph. i have been watering them with water and peroxide for the past week only when Moisture Level is almost at dry. I have a fan I put it in at 3 weeks and is on 24/7. My lights were on 24/7 but I read in another Thread that its better to cut the light hrs down to allow its roots grow better so I cut it down to 20hrs light of Regular T8 lights. Last week I have noticed that my Bottom larger fan leaves have been spotting up and drying out turning brown, I have done research on this site and even other forums. I have seen alot of members claiming its possibly a Mg. Problem and soil Ph levels. So last night after getting home I watered all my plants to the point were I could collect the run off to test the Ph. 6 plants and all ranging from lowest 5.2 Ph - 6.10 Ph highest
I am including pictures here of the Problem and i would like if anyone could help me out on what it can be and what i must do. also what should my Soil Ph levels be? how do i fix the Soil Ph meter? Thanks alot


this plant has been shorter then the rest from the beginning and has much darker leaves is it that it has a problem or just could be a Purp Strain? I ordered the seeds online and they send me 5 free seeds which idk what they are they are called my 'Mystery Strain'
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this plant is also like the others dry spotted brown leaves but also the tops seem to be lighter green color is that a Nute problem as well or the light had been to close?


Active Member
Not 100% on your PH problem but if runoff is that low then try adding some powdered lime. A solid flush with twice the volume of your pot size couldn't hurt either, then feed at 1/4 strength nutes. FoxFarm is notoriouse for overfeeding and locking out vital nutes (as well as nute burn). For a plant that size they should be at 1/4 strength anyway.

Also make sure you're filling your pots to the top with soil. They look like they're sitting pretty deep which will cut off air circulation. It's also a waste of space for potential growth, more soil = more roots = bigger get the picture.

You may want to cut back on the foliar spraying too, but if you like to then make sure they're sprayed when the lights are off. The only thing I ever spray on my leafs is neem oil once every two weeks in veg.

I would also cut out the hydrogen peroxide, it's good for clones but kills beneficial bacteria and enzymes in soil.

Good luck


Active Member
Not 100% on your PH problem but if runoff is that low then try adding some powdered lime. A solid flush with twice the volume of your pot size couldn't hurt either, then feed at 1/4 strength nutes. FoxFarm is notoriouse for overfeeding and locking out vital nutes (as well as nute burn). For a plant that size they should be at 1/4 strength anyway.

Also make sure you're filling your pots to the top with soil. They look like they're sitting pretty deep which will cut off air circulation. It's also a waste of space for potential growth, more soil = more roots = bigger get the picture.

You may want to cut back on the foliar spraying too, but if you like to then make sure they're sprayed when the lights are off. The only thing I ever spray on my leafs is neem oil once every two weeks in veg.

I would also cut out the hydrogen peroxide, it's good for clones but kills beneficial bacteria and enzymes in soil.

Good luck
don't spray ur leaves ur stomata could be plugged up. You gave so many things going wrong soil ph between 6.2 and 6.8 and a soil ph meter is 30 bucks. Ff nutes r strong. I never use liquid nutes on seedlings their is enough in the soil if u get a decent mix. Good luck try keepin it simple. Ps ur soil ph has to go up so adjust your water to 7 somethin and flush. It's should be eventually adjusted from there.
Not 100% on your PH problem but if runoff is that low then try adding some powdered lime. A solid flush with twice the volume of your pot size couldn't hurt either, then feed at 1/4 strength nutes. FoxFarm is notoriouse for overfeeding and locking out vital nutes (as well as nute burn). For a plant that size they should be at 1/4 strength anyway.

Also make sure you're filling your pots to the top with soil. They look like they're sitting pretty deep which will cut off air circulation. It's also a waste of space for potential growth, more soil = more roots = bigger get the picture.

You may want to cut back on the foliar spraying too, but if you like to then make sure they're sprayed when the lights are off. The only thing I ever spray on my leafs is neem oil once every two weeks in veg.

I would also cut out the hydrogen peroxide, it's good for clones but kills beneficial bacteria and enzymes in soil.

Good luck
thanks for the response much help. I had filled the soil all the way to top but once i started watering the soil went that, i have learned from that mistake and my recent seedlings are in full soil now :smile:.

Sorry for not being clear, I do not Foliar Feed my plants. I have only been watering them and spraying them with water with Ph 7. and half teaspoon hydro peroxide.
and about the peroxide thanks i will stopping using it from next watering day.

don't spray ur leaves ur stomata could be plugged up. You gave so many things going wrong soil ph between 6.2 and 6.8 and a soil ph meter is 30 bucks. Ff nutes r strong. I never use liquid nutes on seedlings their is enough in the soil if u get a decent mix. Good luck try keepin it simple. Ps ur soil ph has to go up so adjust your water to 7 somethin and flush. It's should be eventually adjusted from there.
sorry for not being clear i didnt mean spray feeding them. Just spraying water with peroxide mixed. do you mean stop spraying the leaves? no mist at all(water)?
Forgot to mention:(I am growing in Ocean Forest soil) I stopped feeding nutes after 2nd time as i figured it could be harming them.
I am a first time grower so i never looked into the soil Ph til i came across this problem and started researching and learned about the soil Ph but wasnt so sure were it should be at since i tested it last night. Thanks for the info on the Soil Ph range. I have ordered my Soil Ph and should have it by the 4th on Jan bummer :(. But i will try giving it higher Ph water to Raise of the Ph a bit till i do it Accurate with the Soil meter. Thanks for your help
I also visit my local hydroponic store for advice by showing him these same pics. He told me they actually look great and that i dont need anything, (me assuming i would have to buy "calmag") he told me to water it less once every other day and let it dry out more before watering. So i asked whats wrong with my leaves tho how come they are brownish and dry he said "Well sometimes the newer growth might need nuts so it will take from the other leaves and thats what forms those leaves to turn that way.

I just have to make my room for the Higher wattage lights they need to be under already.
BUMP** Everything was all well until 5 days under a 1000wat light! (i recently set up my room after the plants growing for 5 weeks under regular light bulbs). They are pot in 3 gallon pots, i water them every couple days when think its about dry. I have been watering them until water runs out so i would be able to test my SOIL Ph Level. I Feed them every other watering day with 1/4/teaspoon per 1 gallon of foxfarm Grow Big and 1/4 teaspoon CalMag per gallon. Last time i fed them was about 5 days ago, again watered until run off with just Plain water with a Ph level of 8.0 since Soil Ph is low to 6.5 - I have been tring to raise up the Soil Ph Level. The past days i have noticed my leafs growing small and curled with also lighter green leaves with Dark green veins. Im thinking i have been over watering my plants? any suggestions or what might be the real problem if its not from over watering.
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also last night around 3am, i went to check up on my babies and when i walked in 2 of my plants i noticed redish/purple stems the humidity was around 60+% and the temp was in the 63 degrees (F). My light turns off at 2am. Once i saw the stems went on searched around i read it could be do to cold temp. Can anyone help me out and let me know what my problems are from? thanks
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wet feet......too much food. that's my vote

its about this new problems i just posted, i pressed enter by accident so you probably commented about the earlier problem they been doin well ever since that wen i fixed the problem but recently 3 days ago started looking curling im guessing i over watered them as well so Im watering them less and now on probably would give a 1.3 liter of water.. Would you happen to know what the purple/redish of the stem could be?cold temps? thanks


Well-Known Member
Phos lock-out/deficiency ...........i think. cold, alkalinity, secondary to N abundance.....let's hope you don't get any leaf-drop, and things in the P pathway open up. don't amend your P, there's prolly plenty.....just not gettin' in.


Active Member
hi, i hope you understand my bad english hehe....

- PH on soil: 6,3 from beginning to the end....just alway's 6,3
- your problem is: nitrogen.... (N) how old are they? vegative or blooming? just 5 day's on 12/12??
-humidity 60% is for now not the problem....please keep it lower.... when they get older!!
-the pearple steals are :1: i think to many difference in temperature when lights ON and OFF,
2: to many nutrition.... "alhoewel" (dutch word)i think thats not the problem because when you overfeed them they get brown tops on the leaves....
3: stress about temperature...
-when the leaves get crunshy or how its call....means the have a fast, verry fast vegative.... they also can change collors in yellow/green....light green...not dark
- how many day's or weeks are the under a 1000 watt? and iff less than 10 day's what light have the get before??

also be carefull with water, you told : "I have been watering them until water runs out "
why? my maximum on a big pot is 300cc water (in dutch) becarefull with many water....
hope you understand everything.... greets from holland


Well-Known Member
Other posts have seen that the colors of the bud are more striking when their exposed to a colder temp.

I like pretty bud

Phos lock-out/deficiency ...........i think. cold, alkalinity, secondary to N abundance.....let's hope you don't get any leaf-drop, and things in the P pathway open up. don't amend your P, there's prolly plenty.....just not gettin' in.
thanks i will keep a eye on that and also try to give warmer night temps
hi, i hope you understand my bad english hehe....

- PH on soil: 6,3 from beginning to the end....just alway's 6,3
- your problem is: nitrogen.... (N) how old are they? vegative or blooming? just 5 day's on 12/12??
-humidity 60% is for now not the problem....please keep it lower.... when they get older!!
-the pearple steals are :1: i think to many difference in temperature when lights ON and OFF,
2: to many nutrition.... "alhoewel" (dutch word)i think thats not the problem because when you overfeed them they get brown tops on the leaves....
3: stress about temperature...
-when the leaves get crunshy or how its call....means the have a fast, verry fast vegative.... they also can change collors in yellow/green....light green...not dark
- how many day's or weeks are the under a 1000 watt? and iff less than 10 day's what light have the get before??

also be carefull with water, you told : "I have been watering them until water runs out "
why? my maximum on a big pot is 300cc water (in dutch) becarefull with many water....
hope you understand everything.... greets from holland
My plants are about 7 weeks from yesterday, but they have only been under the 1000watt light for a week from yesterday, i am running 18 hours on 6 hours off they are still in veg cycle for another atleast 2 weeks. they were under regular t8 t10 and 64w light bulbs since i didnt have my room ready yet. i do not overfeed them im only givin them 1/4 strength of foxfarm grow big and 1/4 strength of calmad every other watering day, as i mentioned i only would water it til run off to test Ph soil, i no longer do that as they get over watered that way