Need help!


Hey I got a sweet tooth female growing. She's been flowering for about 7 weeks or so. And her trichs are still clear and I heard I want them to be cloudy. How Long should I flower her for? I got pictures if needed. She's in a 7 gallon bucket with fox farm soil. Under 400 watt hps. And her nugs are getting glorious. I just don't want to over cook her. Whats the longest time I could let her flower without over cooking her? Thanks for all your replys there greatly appriciated.


Active Member
Let it go till the trichs are the color you want, there is no harm in letting it go longer. They are done when they are done. You cant really go by weeks it just dosent work that way. The only way to tell is to watch the trichs like you are doing.


New Member
ok first go and look at your breeder info of who ever you got if from im gna say it will be around week 8-9 but have a look and see what it says.... if they are late dont worry just be happy youll have a bigger yeild!!!!


Well-Known Member
wait till you start seeing red trichs THEN harvest and you should be good. flowering times differ by strain but usually 8-10 weeks total flowering time. look for the red trichs starting to pop up and you should be good. make sure your last watering or 2 is plain water before you harvest too


Thanks guys for the info. I've been growing for about 7 years I've had a few success and a few failures like everyone else. But I've also got told not to go past the 9th week cuz then she'll overcook. I thought it was BS. But I had to make sure. I'll post pics in a couple days and see where she is.


Active Member
Yup its BS my white widow went way past 9wks. Another thing that is allot of times also BS is breeders flowering times they list. They love to make it sound like they will finish quicker then the actually do. I would look for cloudy to just turning amber if you go to amber it wont have much up to it, it will be very sedative. If you dont have a good magnifying glass or jewelers loop I suggest getting one. I picked up a 30x lighted jewelers loop for like $12 at my local hydro shop. It helps out allot for checking the trichs.

Good luck and dank bud to ya.