Need Help!


Active Member
Hi i have 12 plants in a 3x3 metre room run with 3x600watt hps lights and 1 x 400 watt hps. i have the room tempreature controlled at about 24 degrees with an exhust fan to help circulate the air in the room. i use coco bricks with perlite mixed in for extra drainage for my potting medium. They have been in the flowering stage for 5 and half weeks now. The problem started 5 days ago when i started to flush my plants with fresh water. the leaves have turned brown and started too turn upwards. My guess would be some sort of nut burn but seems strange when it only happened when i started to flush them. Not all of my plants have been affected. Please see attached photo's. Should i just pull now as the starin is normally ready at the 7 week mark. any help would be good.
P.s they have not been watered for 3 days now.



Well-Known Member
not nute burn. you removed the nutrients, and now your seeing death. you need to feed them. you removed the supply of food, so they are sucking the juices out of the fan leaves to continue bud growth.

its like starving a fat person. they start to consume their own fat... but they is gonna die.

what u have is serious nutrient deficiency.
ur in coco with perlite = no nutrients
you feed just water = no nutrients

and when you say flush, that to me says your drowning them in plain water, rinsing out any nutrients that were perhaps there as residual from the last watering with nutes

so... add nutrients, feed them. when they look 95% done, dont flush them, just start tapering off the nutrients... 1/2 strength, then 1/3strength., then barely any... then none. then a week or 2 later, cut them down. right now they are still growing, and not close to done
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Well-Known Member
thats right, they're probably showing all kinds of nutrient deficiency at once. by the way I never flush, and after a good cure, my buds taste as good as can be


Well-Known Member
Don't flush coco, you get all the ions fucked up and leach nutrients from your plants.


Well-Known Member
thats right, they're probably showing all kinds of nutrient deficiency at once. by the way I never flush, and after a good cure, my buds taste as good as can be
same here, i never flush. i stop using nutes when i water about 2 weeks prior (except sugars), and i get tasty, stinky pot every time


Active Member
same here, i never flush. i stop using nutes when i water about 2 weeks prior (except sugars), and i get tasty, stinky pot every time
you water without nutrients for 2 weeks... isn't that flushing?

By sugars I think nick is talking about molasses or floranectar+floralicious or whatever else from whoever else.