Need help

I have 2 plants and there both 11 days old but ones only 4 inches and the others just over one, im using seasoil and a nute with NPK ratio of 3-1-2 and a T5 sun blaster light, is there anything wrong with them?


Well-Known Member
No nutes! Wait till your plants are at least 10 inches. Then 1/4 the nutes. After a week/two, add another 1/4. So on, so on. And if nute burn happens, flush and try again. You will get it... Wax on, wax off! And make sure your containers have holes in the bottom. to allow water run off. Wait until your soil is almost dry to water them.
I only sprayed them once so far with nutes and that was 3 days ago but I just transplanted the bigger one into a bigger pot, and by accident ripped some roots but it's still standing strong.

The taller one is a auto northern lights and the smaller one is eather kush van stitch or auto critical


Well-Known Member
Never heard of the dirt/nutes and the light sunblaster?
YOu wanna have regular cfl's or flo's for the first week
how hot is the light have you grown using these items
before and last put not least post da PIC!
Sea soil is super rich in nutrients, and the room stays anywhere from 65 to 70 degrees fairenhieht, I would post a pic but I'm on mobile an it won't let me


Active Member
If sea soil is super rich in nutrients don't even feed it when its 10 inches. I found with my current grow I barely needed to feed them until flower and I have no nutrients in my soil.


Well-Known Member
Patience grasshoppa, all the growing is going on in the soil. your plant is putting its energy into roots right now, once it feels it has enough it'll start stretching for the sun.


Active Member
Patience grasshoppa, all the growing is going on in the soil. your plant is putting its energy into roots right now, once it feels it has enough it'll start stretching for the sun.
I would assume after 11 days the roots should have almost root bound that pot. That pot is smaller than any red solo I have seen. I just transplanted my blue mystic after ten days and it had almost filled out the whole red solo.


Well-Known Member
He said he transplanted and ripped the roots apart. The roots are repairing themselfs, Hence growing in the dirt, Not on top. I know you're stoned but don't ASSUME without reading all his posts.