Need help!!


Well-Known Member
Need some help planted this on the 12th of last month and this is it as of 10/7/12 what do I do? im sure It needs to be pruned/topped or whatever but this is my first time, its about 7" tall, about how tall should it be before it needs to go to flower stg? Its a bag seed really decent so I
I had a similar problem like that before it was hydro, my problem was that i had no fresh air coming in and it was just stale air from the room so i didnt have enough co2 from the outside air to make the plant grow big. I don't know your environment conditions add more info would help. Rule of thumb is to measure by how much height you have in your grow space so for example if you only have 5 feet of grow height you would flower at 3 ft and in flower it should grow about 2 ft which equals 5 foot plant. The bigger the plant though will equal more bud space but yea man that's almost a month and its only 7"??? add more info about your grow to narrow down the problem!!


Well-Known Member
the leaves are cupping a bit, whats your temps at? and like Greenrush says bit more info; soil, nutes, bulbs, grow area etc.


Well-Known Member
the soil I have is organic with the nutes already added and the water is purified this is my first time so just experiencing. its under 3 cfl's 2 100watt @5000k and 1 40watt @2400k I plan to add 2 more later this week. I think the C02 is ok Im not sure of the temps i'll check into that asap, my grow height is very limited as in 3 1/2 to 4ft of height and about 2ft in width. My main goal is to have it for myself im a recovering cancer patient and this stuff really helps but gets kinda expensive ya know. It maybe taller then 7". Oh an another thing when I turned the lights out at nite and it seems to grow and perk up more with no light, is that normal as well?