need help!!!


Well-Known Member
Stick to street buying if this is 4 months old. Seriously. Then while smoking read Rosenthal's or Cervantes' books and watch some You Tube videos - there's tons. Focus on lighting and air movement. Or tell us you're kidding about the 4 month part.


Well-Known Member
Can't see much of the white hairs in pic. But if you say there are lots of white hairs and no seed sacks then yes it's a female. If you look on google for pics of female flowers and male flowers and see what yours look like. Looks a very small for that amount of time.


Well-Known Member
Light setup absolutely sucks... looks like the setup that got busted in my home town a few weeks back, yourself a favor, start over from scratch and this time invest 100-200 dollars and get yourself a decent light and fan setup.


Well-Known Member
If heat is going to be an issue then consider buying a T5 instead of MH or HPS. They work great to veg with at the least and many flower under them with good yields. Heck even spiral CFL 6500K bulbs in cheap bowl reflectors work great.


Well-Known Member
If it is already showing white pistils, then you might as well let it flower. I say you will get about a gram or 2 with the current light setup.........but if it is just bag seed I'd just kill it and start over. And do research first. Contrary to popular belief growing marijuana takes skill, patience, and knowledge. And also an initial startup cost if you want to grow right. Especially indoors in a controlled environment.....


Well-Known Member
Flower the poor thing it's long overdue.
Here are pictures one is of a one-week old Kush clone and the six week old Kush mother that is in my flower room already.

These are results from growing under a 4 foot four tube T5 setups. It is hard to tell from the picture but that mother plant is about 2 feet tall.
Then do yourself a favor and like the earlier posts said; get yourself a decent T5 set up; they are great for vegetation, and purchase a small fan for circulation. Do yourself anouther favor and take some advice from the others and watch some YouTube videos and read yourself a book and try again.
Don't get discouraged, it takes time and practice and knowledge, which will all come to you as time goes on and your experience gets better. Once you get to know what the plants want and like; life will become a lot easier for you and your yields and turnaround times will increase dramatically.
Keep growing and good luck.