need help


Hey i'm looking at using grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, beastie boomz and cha ching i read through some comments and got a couple answers to some questions such as how much do i give each plant i'm understanding mix the correct amount per gallon of water and poor until the soil stops absorbing and starts a run off. So if one plant takes a lot more water then the next i wont hurt it with more nutrients because its distributing through the soil evenly as long as i stop at the run off? whether it takes 10seconds of water or 20 just means it went deeper but still balanced throughout? lets say i had 50 plants to water with 20 gallon wholes could you give me an idea on the amount of nutes i would need for a 12-14week season outdoor and what my ratios would be in a tank of that size? Would be a huge help thanks


Well-Known Member
Make sure when using fox farms trio, follow their feeding schedule on their website. Some advice tho is start at 1/4 strength and see how plants react before upping dosage.


I use the Fox Farm trio as well. I agree with ebcrew, follow their feeding schedule and start with 1/4 strength and slowly up the dosage. Some people jump straight to the full dosage and it can burn your plants. I also like to use a lower dosage and feed them more often. I have 12 plants in 5 gallon pots and I use about 6 gallons of water, about half gallon per plant, which is enough water to provide about 20% run off to flush out what is needed. I also only water about every 3-4 days. I like to let my soil dry out quite a bit before I water them. I also like to give them only clean water about every 4th watering.