need help


New Member
Hi guy. I'm a new grower my plant is 3 weeks old and its purple bud seed. I had a few problems with the PH water which stunted my growth. The 2 set of floppy leafs died and went yellow the to 3 set of leafs after that also went yellow. But now iv got my ph water to a T. So its starting to grow properly now with 18/6 light cycle.the second set on leafs have started to grow again after going yellow and shriveled up. My concern is will it start shooting up propperly now iv got everything sorted. I'm growning it in a cupboard with 1 103w cfl bulb which is 1250 lumens. do I need more lights for lumens or .. Just need a bit of advice thanks..


Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
At this stage, the one cfl is fine. As it grows, it will need more light. With the corrections you've made, the seedling should have good growth now.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Your setup looks ok. Is that aluminum foil on the walls? IMHO, adding another cfl when she gets to her 5th set of true leaves is what I'd do since it's been through a little trauma. I'd give it extra time to recover and strengthen up under the current light.


New Member
Yeah just normal tin foil.. Is that a issue or is it OK ? I think I'm on my 4th set of true leafs now but they look small .I'd say about a inch wide and the plants about 4/5inch in height. Adding the extra light will that be the same watt 103w 1250 lumens ?

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
You could use a lower wattage bulb for now and add the same wattage, 103w, later on. Are you growing completely with CFLs? Yeah, foil can work, but it's not ideal. An emergency blanket or car windshield reflector would be better and if you can afford it, Mylar, panda film, or flat white paint would be ideal. I use panda film, easy to clean up.


New Member
OK I will get another bulb tomorrow a low watt one. And no I'm using CFLs for now and when I get to flowering I will change to the 400/600watt HP's ??? Were can I get this panda film ?I will give it a try.. Do you reckon I need to put it into a tent when flowering or should I just keep it in the grow space I shown you ?

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Panda film is at hydro stores and online. As long as your space is completely dark at lights out, it'll work for flowering. She looks healthier.


New Member
Can you see what I mean tho with the size ? Shouldn't the leafs be bigger in length ? And yeah its completely dark when lights off

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
She is a little small for three weeks but after the issues you've had, it may have slowed her growth. Hopefully she'll start growing like mad soon.


New Member
Yeah that is because I stunt its growth but 2days ago I watered it with some nuts and 2days later tthat's what she looks like so its definitely working. Yeah me 2 I'm wanting around 4/5 ounce of this plant all purple never seen a purple bud before special wereiI'm from .


Well-Known Member
That's awesome that you have the determination to make it all work after stunting it with bad water. One thing I have learned is that more plants is better when you are learning. It gives you room to mess up and you don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Also.. I have well water that has some iron in it :-( I mix lime in with my soil and I also bought a Brita water filter. I suggest getting one of those for watering. I learned that lime is great for soil grows and hydro is where you can really fuck things up with the pH up and down. I don't pull pounds or grow on a regular but I've had about 10 years of success and failure so I figured out what works best for me at least. Good luck homie!


New Member
That's awesome that you have the determination to make it all work after stunting it with bad water. One thing I have learned is that more plants is better when you are learning. It gives you room to mess up and you don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Also.. I have well water that has some iron in it :-( I mix lime in with my soil and I also bought a Brita water filter. I suggest getting one of those for watering. I learned that lime is great for soil grows and hydro is where you can really fuck things up with the pH up and down. I don't pull pounds or grow on a regular but I've had about 10 years of success and failure so I figured out what works best for me at least. Good luck homie!


New Member
Thanks I am determined iv had 8 attempts at this growing from seed lol.. 8 seeds wasted because I could get the PH water .. Iv just finished work n checked on my plant n it looks amazing.. Just to small I want it to grow but doesn't seem to be growing any bigger my 5 set of leafs are all about 1 inch wide.. So I'm hoping in the next 3/4 weeks it will grow to be a big veg plant.. When its flowering is no problem that's easy.. I'm growing from coco with tomato feed nuts every 4/5 days. I will add another cfl light tomorrow but only 40w ish just to speed the growth up. Then will buy a 600w bulb to flower .