need helpi

Have a seedling just now showing its first little bit above the soil so I took the plastic off and I have 3 cfls 2 6500 26 watt and one 23 soft white. There in a triangle around the plant. One to the front and one on each side there about 3" away she's a fem la diva autoflower I don't wana have the lights to close or to far someone please help this my first grow


Well-Known Member
only really need 1 23 watt 6500K cfl per seedling and in the first few days should be about 4 inches away I have burned seedlings with 1 23 watter by having it too close

read my Goin Loco joiurnal (link in sig)
Alright thanks I am just nervous about it because its my firsttime. It still hasennt even had the two first leaves pop out of soil yet I've been reading and looking but I'm havn problems fiinding it is it normal that the leaves are still under a little soil today is the first day I've ever seen her sorry man I'm a total noob


Well-Known Member
i water my seedlings almost every day but only a very little, like riddleme says u learn to read them and although this may not be the scientific way i approach it as if it was the normal time of year for seedlings i.e spring where it rains often but not heavily.


Well-Known Member
cut a coke bottle in half and spray the inside of the top with water and pop it over the top, i use a heated propagator but the coke bottle works the same way.
Ill tell u what I see the very top of the seedling there's a little of the seed still stuck on her right side and on the left is green like she's working her was out today is the first time I've ever seen it
Allright man ur a big help really most people are like go read go read.. I appriciate it tho I got my halfa waterbottle ober her now and a light about a inch above the bottle. How long untill I should see her straiten up n pop leaves


Well-Known Member
Allright man ur a big help really most people are like go read go read.. I appriciate it tho I got my halfa waterbottle ober her now and a light about a inch above the bottle. How long untill I should see her straiten up n pop leaves
should just be a day or two, don't fret over it, one of the big mistakes folks make