Need information from the people ON TSSC


New Member
Im about to order from TSSC for the first time from Asia, thailand
things seems to be quite skecthee already cause when I placed my order ill then got two completely different payment Information but my order number is same
do i need the location of the receiver ? To send my transaction
do I use the billing information from the email that sent me ?
It's a good bit of cash so I want to make sure it is what it is
help a stranger out



bud bootlegger
are you talking about the single seed center, as i'm not sure because i left my secret decoder ring in my other pants.
if you are indeed talking about the single seed center, they're perfectly legit and have nothing to worry about. :D


New Member
Thanks it all good now they replied back saying they forget to change the bank information in the email template


New Member
Received my seeds within 2 weeks, it came in an CD case, also received the free seeds ordered nearly 200 pounds worth of merchandise . germinateted 6 seeds all of them grew, still got like 20 seeds left to germinate. its quite expensive but its my first time ordering it, found the wedsites which was on the back of the packet of the seeds which are much cheaper to order from.