need leaf expert weird stuff happening


Well-Known Member
ok so last night i go to turn lights on and everything is ok.this morning i wake up to turn them off and about 4-6leaves have this oily substance and it is causing them to look all droopy and dead.what should i do plz help


Well-Known Member
what kind of light do you have?how close is it to the plant? what does droopy and dead mean need more visual?


Well-Known Member
umm it kinda looks like pixture six paulijr but last time i tested my ph it was fine and i haven't added any nutes to it and everything seemed fine the night before and all of a sudden 4-6 leaves are badly damage ill prob have to cut them there so bad.i could maybe get a pic but how do i get it from my camera to the comp and then onto this website?


Active Member
First you'll need a digital camera.
1. Take pictures.
2. Your camera should have a USB connector for the pc, plug that in.
3. Copy the images and transfer them onto your hard drive.
4. In your post, click the "Insert Image" button in the tool bar above the text box, it seems to be a picture of triangle mountains in the sun :)
5. Find the images on your machine, and upload them.


If you dont have a digital camera, or a phone that can take pictures, youll need a scanner... and things just got more complicated, so find a friend with a digital camera :D

Hope that helps.