Need little help


I have 20 or so seeds its jus cheap seeds but jus trying it for my forst grow. Using closet to grow 4ftweed wide and 7fttall probly, but my question is germination process...

Doing to diffrent methods. 10 seeds n shot glass water left out over night other 10girl seeds im usuing rubbermaid bowl thing w locklid and damp paper towels. And sealing and put in my dresser been 2 days no signs of roots. Shot glass ones sank and i put n paper towel with plate+paper towels+plate and no signs. The rubbermaid locklid i do open once every10hrs or so to allow fresh air im just wondering if i did something wrong. Btw my work space was clean as whislte


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I have 20 or so seeds its jus cheap seeds but jus trying it for my forst grow. Using closet to grow 4ftweed wide and 7fttall probly, but my question is germination process...

Doing to diffrent methods. 10 seeds n shot glass water left out over night other 10girl seeds im usuing rubbermaid bowl thing w locklid and damp paper towels. And sealing and put in my dresser been 2 days no signs of roots. Shot glass ones sank and i put n paper towel with plate+paper towels+plate and no signs. The rubbermaid locklid i do open once every10hrs or so to allow fresh air im just wondering if i did something wrong. Btw my work space was clean as whislte
You should have them on a heat mat or above a heater register so they stay around 80 degrees (F).
The same goes for when they go into soil - you will have a much better success rate with the warm temps.


I got the same issue. I've invested in the Jarden, the lighting, the system and got my beans sent from our friends across the pond where they wear wooden shoes. 3 different genitic strains and nothing, nadda, no life. I've plastic bagged 5 of them with a damp cloth using distilled water, tried 5 in a bit of soil, tried 5 in two plates sandwiched... I am stumped. It's as if they were irradiated at somewhere in their trip. I am protecting them from light and placing them on the cable TV box that keeps a nice warm temp. I even tried filing the edge of 3 of them. What gives? Is it possible they were "exposed" to render them dead? They were beautiful when they arrived and I've gardened everything but this plant for years. It doesn't take a college degree to germ and I'm stumped.


Yea i think temp is about 72u deg. Which aint bad for stumped years ago i thru 10 reggie seeds n micarcle grow and watered everyday and i had a small plant sittin on window seal was jus fun didnt have any i have lights pots and soil things i meed


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Staff member
I got the same issue. I've invested in the Jarden, the lighting, the system and got my beans sent from our friends across the pond where they wear wooden shoes. 3 different genitic strains and nothing, nadda, no life. I've plastic bagged 5 of them with a damp cloth using distilled water, tried 5 in a bit of soil, tried 5 in two plates sandwiched... I am stumped. It's as if they were irradiated at somewhere in their trip. I am protecting them from light and placing them on the cable TV box that keeps a nice warm temp. I even tried filing the edge of 3 of them. What gives? Is it possible they were "exposed" to render them dead? They were beautiful when they arrived and I've gardened everything but this plant for years. It doesn't take a college degree to germ and I'm stumped.
I got a batch year before last, out of 32 seeds not a damn one germinated. I then went to my seed collection & promptly got 24 out of 26 to go almost immediately with the "leave them in water for 24 hours & straight into soil" method.
I suspect my had been hit with something as I got no response from the little bastards, but Sensibleseeds was nice enough to replace them even though seed banks are not responsible for results.