Need LOTS of info


Active Member
New to forum, so hello everyone.

Okay, I've never grew marijuana before. I've had a friends who have, mostly outdoors, one who did in their small, small closet turned out alright nothing to brag about really. I have, I'll say a 3x5, at most, closet with some shelves in it - I have to keep the shelves in it though. I am going to clear it out and try to grow in there. First act of business, what should I do and what materials should I get? Also, what will be the cost of all the materials. Also, how should I go about growing it in the closet, I would really prefer to grow hydro (or just some great kindbud/nuggets). I need details details details on everything.



Well-Known Member
check out the growfaq ... link is posted up top of the page after reading most of that come back and ask followup questions


Well-Known Member
Look at lighting mainly flourescents with beeing in a closet and if money is an issue to get started. Maybe some t5's.If not look at a 400w hps/mh unit.don.t start with hydro as it is very easy to mess it up.instead start with soil till you get it down and then you upgrade the equipment after you got the growing aspect down. and as mentioned above everything you need to know is in this site. just look around and learn then ask more detailed questions.


Well-Known Member

First act of business take EVERYTHING ELSE out of the closet. Extra stuff is extra liability to damaging the girls.

Second Hydro isn't the way to go. It has a high start up cost and will most likely end in disappointment. Soil is a great medium to start in and will grow perfectly good large buds.

See small pot of soil; HUGE plant.


Well-Known Member
it sounded to me like when you said you would like to grow hydro(or just some great kindbud/nuggets) that you think hydro is a strain not a growing method. I could certainly be misunderstanding what you meant I just ask because there are a lot of people out here that sell HYDRO like it is a strain and lots of people out here that believe than when of course it is not. I have grow with hydroponics in the past but I prefer soil myself less work and better quality in my opinion, but its a little slower growing in soil and slightly less yield per plant.


Well-Known Member

First act of business take EVERYTHING ELSE out of the closet. Extra stuff is extra liability to damaging the girls.

Second Hydro isn't the way to go. It has a high start up cost and will most likely end in disappointment. Soil is a great medium to start in and will grow perfectly good large buds.

See small pot of soil; HUGE plant.
didnt know you could grow a shade tree in a 2 gal


Well-Known Member
Do you just plant straight into the 2 gallon pot or do you start out in a small pot and then move to a medium pot and the to the 2 gallon ?

I'll agree that soil is a great way to go. Everyone wants to do Hydro but so far I've had much better luck with Soil than Hydro. Since you haven't grown before I'd say that you should try soil first.


Well-Known Member
Do you just plant straight into the 2 gallon pot or do you start out in a small pot and then move to a medium pot and the to the 2 gallon ?

I always start in small growing pots ( a couple of inches) then go into a 1 gallon for the veg and a 2 gallon for flowering , works perfect !!

I'll agree that soil is a great way to go. Everyone wants to do Hydro but so far I've had much better luck with Soil than Hydro. Since you haven't grown before I'd say that you should try soil first.

Soil is cheaper and requires less attention than hydro. Both setups can be easy once you get it down. Soil is a heavier tasting bus and hydro has that chemical taste no matter how long you flush but I love HYdro buds too, It is all a matter of taste and room.


Well-Known Member
I always start in small growing pots ( a couple of inches) then go into a 1 gallon for the veg and a 2 gallon for flowering , works perfect !!
Can you give more details on how long you leave them in each pot before transplanting ?

You are right it works perfect but I can't remember how it goes and can't find the book I got the info out of last time. You'd be helping me out be giving me more specific information. It worked pretty well for me in the past.



Well-Known Member
I start out in these little cups and leave them there for about three weeks or until the roots have grown out the bottom in alot of places , then I move them into the 1 gallon pots for the remainder of my vegatative cycle usually another 3 or 4 weeks . Right before I go into flower( that day even) I transplant into the 2 gallon pots so that they have room to finish without getting root bound !! here are a couple of pictures and to get more info you can check out my grow if you want



Well-Known Member
Thanks again, that is exactly what I'm going to do next time.

I'll read thru your journal also.

Anyone reading this thread should think hard about using this method, it works, it's easy, and there are the pics to prove it.

Just don't over water and you'll be all set.:clap: