need nutes!

hello there
i'm growing (indoors) four strawberry ice fem. plants. they are some beautiful looking plants but i haven't been feeding them nutrients so far. however i want to start when i begin to flower them.

i want to purchase some nutrients that would increase the yield and potency of my plants... who knows a brand that i could buy off the internet or at a gardening center or whatever that would be a good decision?
what have you guys used that's worked the best?


Well-Known Member
nothing is going to increase your potency. I'd get Advanced nutrients, or Fox Farm. If you've never used nutes before, you could always go with General Hydroponics Flora series. It's stupid proof.
i actually just looked at advanced nutrients, but it said something about how they were all meant for hydro setups? idk... who you calling stupid!


Active Member
I use Botanicare Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma. Organic, stable, and it doesn't smell like poop of fish meal. Everyone will tell you that their nutes are the best ( and may have some crock of shit studies to prove it). I suggest you do a little experimentation and find your own groove.



I use a basic Garden Pro 20-20-20 mixture and I also use Cal-Max for the micro's that isn't normally in plant ferts. Start with about half of what they recommend until your plants can adjust to it. Also make sure your pH is correct or you'll get build ups because your plant won't be able to use the nutes.


Active Member
imho cutting edge solutions is the best it is an easy mix very forgiving mix! the company themself isgreat customer care emails answered with in the day and they are willing to work out any problem you may run into! the price is competitive. I feel reasonable for the results weather you are a hydro grower or soil! no need for add INS but plant amp and mag with uncle joshs I never had better yeilds