Need opinions on when to flower???

ChRiStInA 987

Active Member
i am growing in a closet using a 3x3 flood and drain table i have 7 plants and i dont want them to get over crowded so when do you think i should flower i dont want them to get to big but want adecent yeild from them?
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Well-Known Member
from personal experience i find it is best to let a seed grow for two months minimum this allows the plant to mature a little and thats you get the good smoke i find the smoke of younger flowered plants good but a little lacking.


Well-Known Member
from personal experience i find it is best to let a seed grow for two months minimum this allows the plant to mature a little and thats you get the good smoke i find the smoke of younger flowered plants good but a little lacking.
Thats right... but Christina is very limited in space. Letting them get big is obviously not an option.


Well-Known Member
i grow my plants to around a foot tall as you statd and pull beetween 1-3 oz of each plant it just depends on lighting and conditions and strain.