Need opinions please (lots of pictures)


New Member
Hey guys! new to the forum just came from another one where no one ever chimes in to help on an issue, or everyone so arrogant all they do is make fun of you. but heres my issue, lil lola is 4 weeks into veg and showing some signs of unhealthiness ive tried looking for days and i just cant grasp a picture of someone elses issue that looks like mine. how it starts is just ONE lighter green spot randomly between a vein on a fan leaf, then spreads from the little spot downward towards the tip then makes it way towards the stem. i fed nutes about a week and a half ago and been scared ever since i saw it on the very first 1 finger leaf and its progressed upwards from node to node, so please someone help me get this corrected,

(Question 2:another question tho i cant find an answer to as well)- when u give it nutes i mix it with a gallon of water thoroughly, do i give it the whole gallon jug of nutrient mixed water or just till i get run off? thats confused me greatly and i cannot mix match the right words on google for an answer.

soil: organic mix/ with perlite
fert: mg 30-10-10 @ 1/2 teaspon per gallon
lights: 120w of cfl all around and over plant at 4inch (doesnt burn my hand at all, so its safe)
PH: ph at my house is always at 6.0-6.5 always and water contains a tad bit of mag/sul/calcium
i water almost every 4-6 days mostly 5 days till soil gets real dry cause i know finger test is only for that layer of soil deeper would always be more moist so i dont rush watering / thank you guys in advance im a beginner but i learn fast but with good guidance i know ill succeed this issue

pictures are quite large 11166106_10204307440301758_1309871981_n.jpg 11195379_10204307440261757_104877625_n.jpg 11198907_10204307440501763_1038549817_n.jpg 11210231_10204307440181755_1681833236_n.jpg 11210359_10204307440461762_429125982_n.jpg 11212211_10204307440421761_364895845_n.jpg 11216453_10204307440381760_981239154_n.jpg 11245452_10204307440341759_1482070412_n.jpg 11166106_10204307440301758_1309871981_n.jpg 11195379_10204307440261757_104877625_n.jpg 11198907_10204307440501763_1038549817_n.jpg 11210231_10204307440181755_1681833236_n.jpg 11210359_10204307440461762_429125982_n.jpg 11212211_10204307440421761_364895845_n.jpg 11216453_10204307440381760_981239154_n.jpg 11245452_10204307440341759_1482070412_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well ya, looks like some burn. To correct this youll want to give it a "flush" to leach some of the fertilizer out. Just run extra water through it at the next watering until you have a lot of water come through. Then keep it warm and make sure theres air movement around the soil to dry it out quickly.
Theres a couple different ways to water and theyre kinda technique specific. The reason people water to the point of having runoff is to do two things. One is to make sure that the whole root zone is wet so the roots fill it up. The second reason and the most important one is so you can leach some of the fertilizer out of the rootzone. Too much fertilizer in the rootzone will burn the plants. So we run water through to remove it at every watering.....if were using fertilizer.
When im using organic soil that has nutrients in it already, and before i start feeding, i dont concern myself with runoff. Later when i am feeding more regularly and the plant is maturing and needs more food i like to get some runoff with organic soil, to prevent build up. I usually run around ten percent runoff with organic at a feed schedule of wwwfwwwfwwwf earlier in veg and wwfwwfwwf in bloom. Then back down to wwwfwwwf again when your in the last two weeks.
Soiless is a different beast. There is zero food in soiless like coco or sunshine mix. This requires constant feeding, like everytime you water. The feed water shedule can go like this fffffffwfffffffwfffffff. So when you are feeding so much you want to make sure youre not causing fertilizer buildup in the root zone. This means you are going to have to water until around 20 percent runoff with soiless, which can get kinda spendy because theres food in that 20 pecent runoff.
Hope that cleared up the question a little. Its more expireince based on how much water to run through, or if you need to at all. Good luck.


Active Member
30-10-10 seems hot for 4 weeks veg... Flush and back off the nutes. 50% dosage Next time


New Member
God to everyone who replied I greatly thank you wish I could shake your hands God bless talk seriously took the edge of and corrected my issue from your advices thanks again guys !!! Glad to have these great responses


Well-Known Member
God to everyone who replied I greatly thank you wish I could shake your hands God bless talk seriously took the edge of and corrected my issue from your advices thanks again guys !!! Glad to have these great responses
Plus rep...oh darn...we dont do that anymore