need opinions.


dude u need to read up on how to grow. read the stickies(the top few threads on the lists. they never leave the top cuz they got good info). it looks like those r overwatered/underwatered. hard to tell with the pic, cuz they look a lot alike. usually u dont start nutes till theyre about 6in to a foot tall, so u got a little time. what soil r u planning on using? what lights r u using? also, if ur 15 u shouldnt be on here
i am using 100w CFLs,, i have started with miracle grow potting soil
and they are really green its just my camera sucks, ill try to get a better picture later.i have started with miracle grow potting soil and this is just one pot to just show.

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
Everything you need to know is on this site. All you need to do is read and look alittle, every question you have has already been asked aleast 100 times. That acually would require less work than starting threads and bumping them up again and again because your asking dumb questions.

Good luck