need oppinions to avoid misdiagnosing


Active Member
I have done my research so dont think im a lazy grower. I take this very seriously unlike some others due to the fact that i suffer from extreme chronic pain and anxiety. This is verrrry important to my well being and quality of life so you guys' oppinions and time will not be wasted here.

I have a problem with one plant. I had a couple i ended up just pulling due to funky twisting and just a whacked out non symmetrical plant(i think due to shit dna). so now out of 8 i have only one with this problem. They have all been under same conditions for the most part. I had some break ground on june 19th, some 20th and 21st. Unfortunately one day my ac got cut off accidently and it reached around 95 F(im afraid it may have gotten scorched a little then idk). Anyways can ANYONE diagnose this plant with confidence in their diagnosis??

I uploaded pics from a pc(im on a mac) so i cant upload it again right now but heres a link to my original thread about my grow. pics will be on page two.

If for whatever reason that doesnt work go to the organics dept and its under the "expert noob" thread lmao
They problem plant should be easily recognized lol droopy and weird yellowing pattern.

Need to hear oppinions ASAP! thanks RIU


Active Member
wow thanks for all your help guys. i got a headache reading all these posts....i see that you guys really care about another beings health. Been recieving some good advice so far on this site but this dissappoints me. THis lets me know how unreliable you guys are so if i have problems with a plant and i dont know what to do its pretty much done for unless i get lucky. Thanks.