Need options so as to not lose my grow

So I just got informed that I have to travel for work for 3 weeks. Normally not the end of the world, but the day I have to fly is when my plant should be ready. Obviously I can't just trim and leave the bud hang for 3 weeks. I have no idea what could transpire during that time and can't have my apartment reaking of curing weed (I can mitigate this while I'm home but can't leave shit running for weeks while I'm gone).

So how can I save this without ruining it? I have a dehydrator I could use to quickly dry it over a day or 2. I also thought about just freezing the buds and curing them when I get back, but I have a hunch that tossing fresh buds in the freezer will be bad mojo.

Any suggestions out there?


Well-Known Member
Don't try to quick dry it just so you can get it into a jar...

You'd be MUCH better off just putting it in a cardboard box(s)

If you quick dry just to get it into a jar, it will turn out like shit. If you put it in a box and let it dry for "too long" it won't matter. It will be great smoke. Maybe it could be slightly better if put into a jar after 2 weeks instead of 3... big deal... Best way to lose your whole grow is to dry in 1-2 days and put it in the jar and leave for 3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
What I'm trying to say is don't go crazy trying to get it into a jar 'on time'. Fuck jars if you have to. Just don't ruin your weed.
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Thanks for the reply. In your link you mention putting down 3 sheets of paper. Any particular kind of paper? Printer, news, parchment?


Well-Known Member
It doesn't matter really. Preferably paper without ink, like copy paper or brown bag paper. It's just to keep the buds from touching each other to prevent rot.


Well-Known Member
You need a friend who can help you out locally. They only need to hang dry for like 3-7 days depending on rh. You could talk them through it I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
He doesn't need that. It will come out just fine without hang drying upside down and then put into a jar. People make too big a deal over "too dry". You'd be way better off not getting a friend involved just to dry some herb for you.

Bottom line is that 3 weeks drying is not going to ruin anything. Conversion of starch to sugars and respiration of sugars will be 90% finished after 1 week drying. You'll come back and it will be ready to smoke no matter how long you dry it for, as long as it doesn't dry out too fast . You could come back in 3 months and it wouldn't be ruined.


Well-Known Member
This just happened to me. Just cut the shit seven days early. Hang it, dry it, just like normal. A week wont hurt it that bad. Three weeks yes, one week, not so much. Just take off tester nugs before you do it to be sure it doesnt taste like hay.


Well-Known Member
As long as yor cardboard box is mostly sealed iy works fine, did it on my first grow. I would cut them a week early if you don't see any clear trichs .


Well-Known Member
Cutting your plant a week early just so you can get it into a jar after 1 week of drying will ultimately lead to lower quality weed than cutting it a week riper, and letting it sit in a cardboard box for 3 weeks. That's basically the point of my cardboard box method thread. that people come up with all these solutions that are way worse than the original problem, which is that they need to dry their stuff while they're gone. Keep in mind, the title of this thread, is not "how i can get the perfect cure", but "Need options so as to not lose my grow"

Even if you let the weed sit out in the middle of the room for 3 weeks (even 3 months), the product will be just fine. The whole perfect humidity in a jar thing is grossly exaggerated . A slow, even, dry is way more important to quality product than a good jar cure, and so is picking at the right time. I suspect people saying it will be ruined have never actually tried it that way in fear of losing their crop. I actually dry and store my stuff in cardboard boxes, although since I'm here to monitor, I wrap the boxes in plastic when they're dry enough to sweat. The difference in the plastic wrapped ones and the non plastic wrapped ones is noticeable, but small. By no means is the product that's left to dry for too long "ruined". It's barely noticeable that it wasn't jar cured. I also have experience with pot that's been hung for months, and when it finally got to jars, it was great.
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