Need recipies with canabutter Please help I am new to this


Well-Known Member
I am planning on making canabutter with my boys. I know I might not be the best but I am dry and I will take what I can get until harvest. I think I have the basics. you get the plant and put it in a crock pot with butter. Am I missing anything? I will be doing this in a couple of weeks so I have time. I am asking you guys because I figure you will know what to do. Thanks in advance for any help :peace: Ireland


Well-Known Member
How much shake will you be using ... ounces, I mean.

Thanks for replying. I think I have 2 boys. They have not shown their balls yet but they are tall and are looking the part. I do not know how much they weigh but I was going to take their leaves. I was just going to use the leaves. I do not know very much about it. Do I need to use the stems too? Right now he is 9 inches tall. I figure he will get about 14 before I have to get rid of him. I do not want him knocking up the girls. Like I said I am dry so I am just looking to get through until harvest. I know it may not be the best high but some is better than none. Thanks again for answering me :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
search if you havent found the perfect way to make cannabutter, they have some real good shit for the taking..toke!