Need replies


i live in ohio and need a list of stuff to buy. I already have seeds in mind most likely 1 plant of Northern Lights one of Bubba Kush and 2 of EasyRyder so 4 plants all together i need plant pots, water and care routines, and dates from the start of the best grow times and finally when to harvest..

thanks to all who reply,

Well... I would start by saying that the dates will depend on strain and how they look for when to harvest and flower, etc. If you want to do soil medium I would use smart pots or air pots, great for aeration and for root control. The soil will depend on the plants needs, like pH. Also have you checked to make sure that those plants all favor the same conditions? Keep this in mind as it will greatly affect what kind of plants you can house together, or should house together. Also it sounds like this will be your first grow so make sure that these plants have a thick skin, as you are a human and bound to make some mistakes your first go at this. For water, the less the better off... 80% of plant problems occur from over watering, watch and try to see when your plants start to show the first signs of stress, then water.

Have a good one,