[Need Reviews]Auto Blue Mystic & Auto Bubblelicious


So I'm hoping that some growers on here have grown Nirvanas Blue Mystic and Bubblelicious auto's. I wanna get them, before tho i'd like to know a few things.

Yield: G's
Sprout to finish time(weeks)
Resin production: none,below avg, avg, above avg
Pleasantness of smoke
Good for DWC growing?

and if you got pics feel free to post :) Hoping to get some good reviews :D


Active Member
watch out for males.... i have seen alot of the "fem" seeds actually be males on here and they are all the auto blue mystic.. i have grown the regular blue mystic and they are good plants to grow.


Well-Known Member
Excited to see how they turn out as well.. I ordered 5 Fem NL's from Nirvana. Perhaps we'll be growing at the same time!

My Standard BM rocked! I hope your Auto turns out just as nice!


Thanks and i hope so too!! I'm trying to see if i can get an LED grow for vegg'n and if enough wattage flowering. Looking into how to create one, and with what chips, diodes, resistors, drive and what not.

good luck with them NL's good strain to go with :)


Active Member
check out my grow journal. I currently have 3 bubblelicious and one Blue Mystic. I planted 4 more seeds. Two Blue Mystic/Bubblelicous. If you order from Nirvana, make sure they have replaced their old batch of Blue Mystic seeds. There were many problems with plants not sprouting, dying for no apparent reason, slow growth.
i have three autos going blue mystic, auto bubblelicious,and santa! question my auto bubblelicious is in 2 gallon bucket its bushy as all hell and the pre flowers have come out but it hasnt started flowering ive read on some other reviews that some people were gettin auto bubblelicious and they were actually normal bubblelicious so they say to force flower by giving it 48hrs of darkness so thats what i did and its didnt start flowering what should i do put it back with the autos for 18/6 or should i give it 12/12? anyone plz help?