Need Serious help breaking down a cab!


Well-Known Member
Ok may sound crazy but i can seem to gut my tv stand it seems like there are dowels or something ive bang it with a hammer for 30 mins very little progress plus its chipping the good wood. please help zzzzz.jpgzzzz.jpg


Well-Known Member
You are trying to remove the shelves inside, without damaging the sides?
Try a saw, and cutting the shelf first, then you should be able to get the shelf out without damaging the cabinet itself.


Well-Known Member
Just realise there are very small nails holding it in place any idea to get them out?


Well-Known Member
Same idea I posted would work with nails, too.
Cut the wood and remove the shelf, then you can get at the nails and dowels.


Well-Known Member
how would i go about cutting it? just straight on and rip off sections, because heres the twist i need the top drawer to make a dual chamber...


Well-Known Member
What exactly are you trying to do?
Remove that small shelf from the cupboard?
If so, take a sawzall, and make a cut right down the middle of it.
Then you can remove each side of the shelf easier.

Either that or get yourself a bigger hammer, pound away, and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
just use a regular saw and worked liked a charm... sorry dude for all the carpenting questions but im so happy now thanks!! Rep+


Well-Known Member
If you guys want you can add me im about to start a awesome jornal no later than next week... with some Doc greenthumb genetics and some awesome kush strains!