Need Serious Help!!!


Active Member
I need help my plant looks like its starting to die. I am watering once every 2-3 days and have started to use nutes. I dont know what to actually do to fix this problem but seems to be spreading. Help a bro out !



Well-Known Member
**just feed half strength on your nutes.. if your using tap, leave it out for 24hrs before mixing ur nutes in (or) put an airstone in there :)

--make sure when you feed, you get a good run-off.. try smartpots~



Well-Known Member
You missed your harvest window, you were supposed to chop last week.
that was a bit uncalled for, don't you think?

Anyway, yes, it seems to be nute burn; but this is an easy fix. they're very little, so you can transplant them easily. But as a rule, you want to wait at least two weeks before introducing nutrients to your young plants.