Need serious help

Obviously I'm a beginner, and I'm asking this because I am so confused and need help, tomorrow I am going to get two Purple Kush seeds (feminine) and these will be the last of seeds I am buying (So my last try). I have been trying to grow 6 plants and they all looked absolutely perfect for about 3-4 days, with perky leafs and everything, then the leafs started shrivelling up and getting brown on the tips of the leafs and starting to lose colour on 3 of the six the other 3 were the same but without the discolouration of the leaf. I'm not over watering and I'm definitely not over heating unless you really don't even need to water at the very start, I have watered them over the past 3 days but there was no run of or even close to any run of and for the heating does it basically not even need to have that much heat at all at the start of growth because I don't even have close to 600 Watts on those plants, so I have no idea what I am doing wrong, could it be down to the strain I was given? I know that sounds ridiculous but I have heard of nothing about the strain or anything and their also regular seeds, Its just I can't seem to think what I have done wrong and need some advice. Should I get the next two seeds and grow them inside for 2 days to let them sprout and then I directly go put them outside? I really don't know and some positive advice and feedback would be nice but also some constructive critcism because I'm being a bit retarded. I've watched videos for at least a month and been on this forum for at least 3 weeks just learning how to grow and I haven't done anything different to the people that post videos of them growing.



Well-Known Member
You need to know what temp it is in there at its hottest. Also did you feed them anything?


Well-Known Member
I'd bet you used a bad potting soil. With quality soil like fox farms you may pay a few extra dollars but you get healthy plants that need nothing but slight watering for the first few weeks and after that if you kill the established plant you don't have a green thumb, but a brown thumb.
I'm only growing in there for maybe a month until I can put it outside, I don't exactly no the temperature but does it have to be hot or mild? <---- *BUDS
Yes I am not using Fox Farm, I am using Vigoro soil. What do you mean by if you kill the established plant you don't have a green thumb, but a brown thumb? And about the soil, if I don't have the greatest of soil or the soil that is needed why is it such a big deal? I if I don't have the greatest soil what do I need to give the plant that it would get in Fox Farm? <---- growingforfun


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are burning them. If your hand is very warm from the light at the top of the plant after leaving it there for a minute, you're too hot. Probably the soil is too nutrient rich for seedlings. Cut it with peat or coir. Keep the seedling in a humid environment -, spritz with water and or keep covered.

Since you are new to growing, why not try sprouting a vegetable seed until you get heat, soil, humidity dialed in instead of practicing on expensive seeds? Growing tomatoes and pot isn't all that different.


Well-Known Member
its important to use the right tools for the job is why its important to use the right dirt. if you get off to a bad start by trying to half ass it, then its no wonder to people like me who have been growing for a while and know what it takes.

what i meant by my comment of brown vs green thumb, it means that if you still fuck up a plant using the right tools (correct dirt, nutrients, light) then its because your thumb is firmly lodged in your ass.

im not trying to be a jerk lol i promise! it was just a super easy call to know you were in the wrong dirt.


Well-Known Member
Get a couple of 6500k CFLs. Better to have stretch until you have it down than fry them.

You didn't really say what you did do, only what you didn't.

After germ, use solo cups with holes in the bottom. Mix whatever soil with a good amount of perlite. Get it damp but not soaked with ph 6.5 water. I personally use MG Seed Starter. Water when the soil starts to separate from the cups. Seems to be every third day. Use no more nutes. Keep the CFLs a few inches away, like 3. Make sure there is air circulating.

That is what works for me. Once you have plants growing with a few sets of true leaves, ask what next and figure what to grow in. I use cheap potting soil, perlite, vermiculite, and peat moss. I mix in 2T of dolomite lime per gallon of medium. Works wonderfully for me!


What Jumped out at me was you said you have no water run off. You probably have root rot right up under where the roots come out of the bottom of the plant. If your plant is loose in the soil or leaning try to gently pull your plant up if it dont raise up when you do this youre good if your plant gives and you can pull up a decent amount means you got root rot. Also could be a bad root aphid infestion. When you put soil into a pot always mix a very good amount of coarse big perlite into the soil to help water flow through and not stay up at the top which creates root rot. Just my thoughts.