Need SOG advice


Well-Known Member
Im going to run a sog soil grow because they work and are cheap. I want to know whether people prefer using individual pots or soil beds or large totes. Please dont mention ebb and flow tables or hydroponics, coco or hempy. I need soil advice thanks.


Well-Known Member
Go with promix, its soil "less" really good and doesnt get as muddy as soil but holds the nutrients. Alot of people still consider it soil.

As for beds or pots id go with individual pots. Ive seen people use large totes but its just not my cup of tea.

Try out air pots, they work well for small plants in small pots with aggressive roots.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the response. Im going to stick with soil as its my cup of tea. But I am leaning towards individual pots or large totes. Soil beds seem to bulky and risky if pest or disease were to break out. As for air pots I actually have some, i like em but i was thinking square pots would maximize space.


Active Member
Individual pots, you need to move the plants around to maximize canopy efficiency. That applies to both soil AND hydro. Square pots make the best use of the available space in SOG.