Need some advice on my current setup


Hey everyone. This is my first time growing cannabis. So far, everything has gone remarkably well. My plants are less than 3 weeks old now and are growing bigger each day :). I'm not too familiar with strains, but I believe the original seeds are from a California Sour diesel plant. Currently, I only had enough money to buy one grow light. I've been keeping it on 24 hours, but I've heard that it may be better to give the plants some rest... thought I would ask here as well. Also, since I don't have a fan, I usually open the closet for at least twice a day and let the closet air out for half an hour. My dorm room is very small, so I usually keep the door open and exercise twice a day next to my plants... I figured I could give them some of my carbon dioxide :p

From the picture, about how long do you guys think it will take until I can get some smokable buds from my babies? :p. I've had a lot of fun growing these guys.
On a side note, I am also a biology major, I am currently in a bio172 class, and it is incredibly cool to be able to know the biology behind growing weed. For example, being able to recognize that cannabis is a dicot and being able to understand the microscopic and macroscopic processes that allow my plants to grow (all thanks to evolution and natural selection... fascinating :D). I think it's a lot of fun to see my little girls grow up :p haha. I've been watering them about once every 2-3 days, or whenever the top soil starts to get too dry, but I make sure not to overwater. Personally, I think I've been doing a pretty good job tending to them. Only thing is that one of the plants fell over, so I may need to get a stand or something to keep her up. I don't have a fan either... is that something I should try to get as well?


Well-Known Member
are they all in the same pot? this is never a good idea the plants will compeat for nutes and growing roots will tangle and this could cause one or all ur plants to die i keep my lights on 24 for 2 weeks or till my clones root then i would switch to a 20/4 or 18/6 and decresse by one hour every few weeks till 14/10 then decide when to flower
if ur plant falls over get some garden stakes the bamboo ones and lightly sacure the plant to the stake a light breeze will help make the stem strong
as far as how long u got to go to get buds a little while most plants at the least take at least a12 weeks 4 week veg 8 week flower but u have to see if ur plants are even female if they are u can clone and root them then start ur clones at 12/12


Ah man ok so I guess I screwed up by planting 4 plants in one pot. Its a special kind of pot though... there are 4 4 permeable holes on the bottom that open up into a special water reservoir. I think it's sort of like a hydroponics system.... I water it from a hole on the bottom... should I replant these guys, or would that be too stressful at this point?


Active Member
I think your a little late to repot....deff need a fan for some fresh air,esp before flowering...You could leave them on 24-7 no prob,but it looks like you need more light what light do you have? would recommend a t5 floro light,low heat,high lumens can veg and flower


Well-Known Member
lol growing is about learning from mistakes we all make em from time to time i say the root balls might already be tangled i dont want to tell u to dig em up this might cause them to die but if u do feel like u want to lightly dig around 1 and see if u can get a root ball out with out too much root damage if the plant seems likes its pulling up the other ones just replant and grow out as long as possable to get some clones


Also just wanted to add that I'm only growing this for myself, so I'm not super concerned with these first guys getting super big or anything. I was just trying to learn how it works. If I don't want a huge amount and I'm just looking to get a decent amount for myself, could I just let them grow the way they are? because I don't think they're going to get very big anyway. When is the soonest I can get them to flower? If you guys think it's worth maybe replanting them, I could try, but Im almost positive the roots are tangled. Does that mean they will die before I can harvest them?


Well-Known Member
1-3 of them might die left in this state but if this is just a dry run u should start to flower after u see pre flowers or can properly sex them just go about normal and the plants will decide which of them is the strongest ur soil my dry out a bit quicker so be mindful of this
i dont think its too late to separate them and i would u might lose 1 or 2 but u going to lose at least 3 if u dont and affect the other one too but as far as when to bud them i would not go too big before u go in to 12 12 or 14 10 if your in a closet maybe 12 to 14 inch tall i bud all mine at about 18 inces tall they finish out about 4 feet tall i transplant twice before they are done i start mine i bottom of keg cup then in to a 6 inch pot then in to a 12 inch pot right before i go in my 12 12 and i think just put one of those cheap ass 6 inch fans from target or somthing would be better than none $10 :peace:


i dont think its too late to separate them and i would u might lose 1 or 2 but u going to lose at least 3 if u dont and affect the other one too but as far as when to bud them i would not go too big before u go in to 12 12 or 14 10 if your in a closet maybe 12 to 14 inch tall i bud all mine at about 18 inces tall they finish out about 4 feet tall i transplant twice before they are done i start mine i bottom of keg cup then in to a 6 inch pot then in to a 12 inch pot right before i go in my 12 12 and i think just put one of those cheap ass 6 inch fans from target or somthing would be better than none $10 :peace:

thanks you guys. I think I will end up replanting them. Even if one dies, its better than losing 3. I will also buy another grow light and a cheap fan from Walmart. Is there anything else that might help? And should I add fertilizer to the soil? in the pot i have right now, I added some miracle grow liquid food.I do in fact have a T5 light in the room as well. Thank you for helping me everyone :)


Well-Known Member
if u plant in store bought soil most do provide fertz for plants that should hold them atleast 2-3 weeks then i would wait at least another week then add fertz try to use a light dosage on young seedlings otherwise u will be right back here asking what are these spots on the tips of the leaves


Ok so I am going to try to make a trip to walmart sometime this week, and I am also going to pick up some bigger pots for my plants. How big should my pots be? On average, they'll probably end up being about a foot tall or so, right?
Also, I just checked and I think the roots are not tangled :). I spaced them pretty far apart, so I think they're ok. They would all probably survive a transplant :)


Well-Known Member
how big depends on a few factors like strain and how long u veg it for. Now the pot issues find something that will fit ur space i like 3 gal garden pots in my 4'x4'x7' with a 250w mh my pots sit in a 2x3 arrangement they measured at 1' foot diameters my light can support 3x3 ok but 2x2 is mor ideal so i would say 3 gal or 1 gal and see how these work