need some advice re swapping to flowering!

But I'll be damned, once you see the size of the knuckle

The plant repairs itself in much the same way a bone in the human body does. The "knuckle" is new material that surrounds the bend/break in the healing process. A human body generates a similar knuckle like structure surrounding the broken area of a bone as it heals.
You don't WANT a knuckle though if you can help it. Take the time to roll and soften that tissue inside the stem before you bend it. Splitting happens from not having a LONG ENOUGH space softened when its bent so it breaks. Just be sure you soften up 2" at least and then bend in the middle of that. If you do it right, you'll know. it will just literally fold right down, 90° angle and will have a nice, crisp bend. I'll show you n example.
Here's a good example of a supercrop done correct and cleanly.IMAG0647.jpg
It's all because the tissue above and below it has been thoroughly massaged and broken down to where it just folds over. You can tell about an inch above and below the bend, the skins been squished.