Need some advice sexing

This is a plant that was given to me as a small seedling that had sprouted November-ish 2011. It was put in a small pot and left all but forgotten for many months while I concentrated on a few other plants I was growing. All my plants are bagseed, and I don't know if they're the same batch or what.

This lil' guy/girl has been stressed to the max, and only for the last few months has it seen any sort of regular and sufficient light cycle or received any nutes. The last time I checked it out a few days ago, I didn't see any definitive signs of sex. When I checked it again this evening, it seemed to be growing little preflowers, but I've never seen definitive pistils on this plant.

So here's a few pics, I hope someone can help tell me what this is. I'd hate to have a male pollinate my other baby that I've really cared for this season.

Please tell me these are, in fact, female flowers like I think they are.


looks hella fem to me. i can see the pistils all day in the first pic. when you have a male. you will KNOW!!!!! haha longggg be4 it can do harm


Well-Known Member
This is a plant that was given to me as a small seedling that had sprouted November-ish 2011. It was put in a small pot and left all but forgotten for many months while I concentrated on a few other plants I was growing. All my plants are bagseed, and I don't know if they're the same batch or what.

This lil' guy/girl has been stressed to the max, and only for the last few months has it seen any sort of regular and sufficient light cycle or received any nutes. The last time I checked it out a few days ago, I didn't see any definitive signs of sex. When I checked it again this evening, it seemed to be growing little preflowers, but I've never seen definitive pistils on this plant.

So here's a few pics, I hope someone can help tell me what this is. I'd hate to have a male pollinate my other baby that I've really cared for this season.

Please tell me these are, in fact, female flowers like I think they are.
I'm a newbie, but those look like ladies to me :)


Well-Known Member
dude deffinitly female, so put it back under 18-6 and let it veg n get healthy gain for 3 weeks and then start flowering it and you will be looking at sum decent buds, as is your plant wont yeild more than half oz, seems sativa dominant and they need there veg time and tons of light.
phew... :D

I'm just unsure of my own judgement since I had a plant that I thought was a fem end up male.

My first grow was inside in a room my friend and I built, and we started with some pretty indica clones that we didn't have to worry much about besides keeping track of our nutes and light cycles. This is my first time starting from seeds, and outside at that.

Here's this plant's big sis which started as a stronger seedling and I've dedicated most of my care to her. Due to the shape of our house and the surrounding trees, I've had to move the pot around during the day to manipulate her light cycles. I've got her down to six hours of direct sunlight a day, and the buds are starting to fill out nicely. I'd be stoked if the little girl above grew a couple of cured grams. :weed: