Need some advice with some seed banks...


Well-Known Member
So I have grown once before, but got busted. Not by the cops thank god, but I have devised a hidden grow area so that I can complete the op this time. Anyways, all I really need is some advice or direction with seed banks. I have looked and finally found a site that seems to ship to the US and has lowryder #2. I am interested in any lowryder strains and big bud strains, seeing as how they are ready for harvest very quickly. Below I have the links which I am interested in. I came upon these banks through this site: Green man's Seedbank Update

Any help would be appreciated so I can finally complete my first harvest!

Big Bud:
Big Bud

Lowryder #2:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I looked up Greenman's seedbank as well. I'm really a first time buyer. But I made a post about Hemcy Seed Company that is top rated by Greenman's and nobody replied to me. So I hope you have better luck.


Active Member
folks seem to like nirvana a lot. i've also used and been very happy with them. I don't know if they have the particular seeds you want, but they're fast and stealthy.

- eyes88