Need some Advice


Well-Known Member
Alright heres my setup... I have a 3x3x3.5 grow cabinet im using just for vegging. The cabinet has 8 23wt 6500k cfl. My temp in the cabinet 78-80 degrees and the humidty stays about 28%( i think i need to raise this) I planted 3 feminized white widow seeds that were all germinated 4 days ago and they have not sprouted yet is this normal. I also planted 1 northern lights and skunk #1 yesturday and no sprouts. any toughts to why thay have not sprouted yet.. Thanks


Well-Known Member
What is the recommened amout of humidty for seedlings? I know seedlings require more humidty also how fast does soil usally dry out because mine drys out in less then a day. Should i water everytime the soil drys out? thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
not sure on the careful of the don't need much to start with..if your soil is dry about an inch or so deep, then add water


Well-Known Member
Thanks any more thoughts.. Also does anyone use peat pots for starting seedlings there brown kinda like carboard. are they anygood? they seem to dry out quickly.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by suretokealot

Thanks any more thoughts.. Also does anyone use peat pots for starting seedlings there brown kinda like carboard. are they anygood? they seem to dry out quickly.

I use peat pellets for germination/seedlings and have a pretty good success rate. It helps to have a humidity dome and maybe a heating pad set on low underneath the tray. Be careful not to overwater the peat pellets...... they retain water. You can usually tell by picking one up and giving it a gentle squeeze.
