Need some advise I'm new.


Hey guys I'm new to this site and to growing so forgive my noobynes. Any way I am about to grow 2-3 plants under a 400w hps light in a 3ft by 5ft closet. I already have the plants started under 46 watt cfls at 24hrs ( there like 4 days old). So here's my questions: when should I start 18/6 under cfl? How far should the hps be from the plants? At what time should I start 12/12? What yeild can I hope for realisticly? Is 400watt enough for 4 plants total? Btw the strains are chronic and master kush. Also is Mylar worth it or not?
I'll post pics up as soon as I get my new phone
ps sorry if this is in the wrong spot on the site I'm new


Well-Known Member
you can start 18/6 now,test the heat from the hps with the back of your hand,to hot for you to hot for the plants,you can start 12/12 when you feel like it as well ,size determines production and mylar sucks go with flat white paint and let me know how the chonic is.
usually people go 12/12 when the lowest plant reach 12inches but you can do it whenever you want. depend on height of your room. dont forget in 12/12 the first week or 2, your plants will grow like crazy so you need to plan enough space. i stayed 24/24 on cfl, you can use 18/6, not much of a difference, just 1 timer less :P
yeild nobody know
from my experience, 400w is ok but i wished i had 600w. i will only go with 2 plants in the future under 400w. (they were too big when i started flowering so it did not help)
for mylar im also asking myself the same question as my closet walls are white...


thanks for the help guys keep it comming! i was just givin a 4ft fixture by a friend it has two t32t8 bulbs. would that help or not really? but i love chronic for my first grow it seems to bush out very nice under 4, 46watt cfls each. also both my master kush plants just sprouted so, yay! btw flat white? really? i have about 12 gallons! lol


Well-Known Member
the only thing better than good lights are free lights!!! you probably don't need em yet when they're still small, but when they get bigger those tubes would make some great side lighting and could significantly raise your yield!!


Cool I have it set up nice I bought 2 more 4 ft fixtures with the same bulbs, got them for $5 each so now I have my closet set up with 3 t8s 12x 46 watt cfls and flat white all around :) my babys are well in there way! Thanks and keep the advise comming!


Well-Known Member
Yield? Depends how your plants do. Depends how long you veg them, but under a 400w. 4 plants is good. Reality is dont wish for more than 1/2 oz. per plant and you wont upset yourself.