Need some big time help!!!


Well-Known Member
lol good looking out i didnt want nobody to get fyesty but i been talking to penny and i think he knows whatsup bout i aint doughtin nobodies skills but i really appriciate all the good replies and i realy just wanna say fuck it and veg and flower under a 400w hps/mh but you know how that is haha but i think you got the same fixure as my shit penny


Well-Known Member
eh bro return the miracle grow potting mix and pick up some expo soil it's like 3 dollars and then mix it with the peralite and vermeculite. Also it depend on your ballast and the mogul.... The bulb you got will do the job though..


Well-Known Member
I would have to say if u have an hps ballast or hps/mh conversion ballast than I think that it would be ok.
But you may want to wait on some more replys froms some other ppl.


Well-Known Member
lol alrite i aint even ganna fuck wit it then ill just take that shit back fuck it cause i heard that shit on a couple other threads to fuck that shit i aint trian to fuck nothing up i want my first grow to be a success Thanks guys im ganna see if anybody else got anything to say about those hps bulbs


Well-Known Member
I'm ganna get a 400w hps/mh hopefully this week and I'll post more pics of my grow alrite Peace ohh yea hey penny I got some schultz nutes ever hear of them anybody and if so how was the outcome ?


Well-Known Member
Ya bro schultz will be fine for veggin, but later you will need something more high in the P when flowering. Cant wait to see the babies and yes A+ on the 400 watt hps can never go wrong.


Well-Known Member
Yo whatsup Penny were you been dawgy? Yea I'm ganna hook my shit up wait till you see your ganna be geeked but anyways I posted in another thread on that other thing dude I don't get this shit (got all purpose 20-30-20 and bloom plus it says 10-54-10) Duz that 54 sound right haha or is it to much hahaha shtz crazy.


Well-Known Member
Yo whatsup Penny were you been dawgy? Yea I'm ganna hook my shit up wait till you see your ganna be geeked but anyways I posted in another thread on that other thing dude I don't get this shit (got all purpose 20-30-20 and bloom plus it says 10-54-10) Duz that 54 sound right haha or is it to much hahaha shtz crazy.
Wut up bro, ive been fucked up for like 2 days off fuckin nyquil. 1 fuckin bottle to myself = 2 days fucked up and all loopy in shit bro...

Okay check it out bro The 20-30-20 is kinda of high for your veg NPK, but it will work if this is all you have. The 10-54-10 will be perfect for flowering. and should have some decent results.

Just remember when feeding your babies only start with 1/4 the reccomeneded soloution. The reccemendations should be 1 tsp so only feed everyother water ing until you reach 1 tsp. fuckin hit me up bro if you have and questions i'll be here......;-)


Well-Known Member
Hey penny when should i add the nutes when vegging and flowering help a brotha out man this is important right


Well-Known Member
Nutes can be added at 2 weeks, but you need to be sure you dont have any slow release nutes in your soil. When giving nutes start by 1/4 the recommended dose than on next watering just water. Then 1/2 strength and then water ect ect until you reach the recommended dose which is always 1 tsp.

another tip bro is when you have a date set for flowering try not to add any nute 1 week and a half before flowering. Once you have confirmed fems (pistols) then begin feeding your flowering nutes. Same rules apply like above.

Take some pics bro, I wanna see your babies man....


Well-Known Member
Penny so i got (20-30-20) all purpose its 1/4 tsp per gallon of water so im ganna mix that up test/ ok now once i mix that and start my watering water with that and then straight water or should i just keep watering with that mix till its gone and then go to 1/2 tsp per gallon of water then 1 tsp per gallon of water or should i water regular ph ballenced water between waterings and then add the bloom full strengh 1 tsp per gallon during flowring


Well-Known Member
nutes, water, nutes, and water, this should be the plan until flowering. The 2 weeks before water a good flush, then nutes every watering.....

In veg everyother watering with nutes is ggod, so that way salt won't build up, just watch her in flowering....