Need some Guidance for my Autoflowers!

K so I'll tell you what I would do if I were you. I'm not telling you what to do that's your own journey to travel.
I'd throw out that fox farms 1st. Or use it on my flowers in the planter box
I'd get some promix hp or sunshine mix #4
I'd buy a reliable meter like bluelab or Hanna
I'd buy maxibloom, silica armoursi, and ph down.
I'd learn about the 'lucas formula' and ec levels for size/stage of plants.
And I'd feed no more than 1.4 ec at anytime during the grow.
If you do this, you will harvest weed.
Then once you've got a grip on wtf you're doing you can try some other shit if ya like.
Hope this helps you get some smoke.

Currently cannot afford a Blue Labs pen, been wanting one of those for the longest but have settled for using the regular PH pen and a PH testing kit with the solution. For now atleast.
oh and before I forget ….. DISREGARD Fox Farms feeding schedule unless you want torched plants.
‘Their EC / PPM amounts are crazy high.

Most strains can tolerate OF upfront but some plants get nute burn UNTIL it acclimates. Autos will acclimate to it over time.
Just don’t compound the issue by adding more nutes into equation. Sometimes I had to use a 50/50 mix of mild potting with OF just to temper it.

Most growers here will agree after this run , you will probably kick FF to curb in future grows.
I pretty much did but try to help those that bought it n
I wish I would've known that. I have an unopened OF bag in the closet and a 12 quartz Happy Tree Frog that I use to plant at the center.
If you gotta use FF nutes - let the Ocean Forest do most of the initial feed …. alone. It is highly nute dense right from the bag , especially for autoflowers ( done a whole thread on this ). Most autos will finish within 100 days ( + or minus ) so complicated , multi-bottled this and that is unnecessary.

Believe it or not … that soil will carry an auto all the way to finish. Plus no BS fancy distilled or RO water , unicorn pee or MAGA tears.
When I used it , straight municipal tap water was fine. I have 7.8 PH and 288 ppm city water ( hard ass water ) now it’s creeping higher but all I do is “ range “ it closer to plant ph / medium ( 6.5 - 6.8 ) to allow mediums buffering to last longer. Most municipal water sources have adequate Calcium and Magnesium So extra bottles may not be need there either.

Plus , OF is so nute dense you can aerate a cheesecloth bag of the soil to make a soil drench tea.
This helps over the weeks as main medium begins to exhaust.
Agree! Only thing I would add, grew autos for two and a half years exclusively, is in my experience that they are sensitive to light burn. Good growing!
Currently cannot afford a Blue Labs pen, been wanting one of those for the longest but have settled for using the regular PH pen and a PH testing kit with the solution. For now atleast.
It goes on sale on Amazon look for the growers kit. Comes with TDs and ph meters for like 180 bucks. On sale
Dialing in costs money. Otherwise you're just pissing into the wind and can't expect top results.

There’s a few things I see …..

First … drop that distilled bullshit , ph down some regular ol tap water for use. Nothing fancy for PH down ( citric acid or GH PH Down )

Top dress those container with some extra OF ( scoops ) and water in at 6.7 ph ( meter ).

Plants that are blooming need more Potassium ( yellow margins on leaf / necrotic tips ) , it is also light on nitrogen.
The Top dressing will help but affected will not change back to normal you are simply trying to stop progression.

No silica or other additives at this point.
If I can cop, i will cop for sure. Just doing the most with what I have, til then, just barely getting by.
I hear ya. Been there. I'd rather you spend a hefty amount of money on something that works rather than a bunch of half assed stuff that hasn't gotten you what you're looking for.
You know what I mean? Like instead of buying all that FF shit you could have got a good pen combo and some reg 3 part and been in a much better spot right now. Sometimes 'saving' money costs you more money in the long run. Know what I mean.
K so I'll tell you what I would do if I were you. I'm not telling you what to do that's your own journey to travel.
I'd throw out that fox farms 1st. Or use it on my flowers in the planter box
I'd get some promix hp or sunshine mix #4
I'd buy a reliable meter like bluelab or Hanna
I'd buy maxibloom, silica armoursi, and ph down.
I'd learn about the 'lucas formula' and ec levels for size/stage of plants.
And I'd feed no more than 1.4 ec at anytime during the grow.
If you do this, you will harvest weed.
Then once you've got a grip on wtf you're doing you can try some other shit if ya like.
Hope this helps you get some smoke.

Maxibloom the GH bag or the 1 part GH flora whatever it's called? Ones in liquid form?
There’s a few things I see …..

First … drop that distilled bullshit , ph down some regular ol tap water for use. Nothing fancy for PH down ( citric acid or GH PH Down )

Top dress those container with some extra OF ( scoops ) and water in at 6.7 ph ( meter ).

Plants that are blooming need more Potassium ( yellow margins on leaf / necrotic tips ) , it is also light on nitrogen.
The Top dressing will help but affected will not change back to normal you are simply trying to stop progression.

No silica or other additives at this point.

Bet will do that today!
I hear ya. Been there. I'd rather you spend a hefty amount of money on something that works rather than a bunch of half assed stuff that hasn't gotten you what you're looking for.
You know what I mean? Like instead of buying all that FF shit you could have got a good pen combo and some reg 3 part and been in a much better spot right now. Sometimes 'saving' money costs you more money in the long run. Know what I mean.

I feel like when I started doing this, I just went by brands and reviews. Had I known what exactly to get, I would've had more than enough to purchase the blue lab bundles + a regular 3 part. Right now I have some money and the whole FF line up was too complicated for me at the time. I really really really appreciate the info man. This has been a nightmare. Just trying to smoke and ease the pain.
K so I'll tell you what I would do if I were you. I'm not telling you what to do that's your own journey to travel.
I'd throw out that fox farms 1st. Or use it on my flowers in the planter box
I'd get some promix hp or sunshine mix #4
I'd buy a reliable meter like bluelab or Hanna
I'd buy maxibloom, silica armoursi, and ph down.
I'd learn about the 'lucas formula' and ec levels for size/stage of plants.
And I'd feed no more than 1.4 ec at anytime during the grow.
If you do this, you will harvest weed.
Then once you've got a grip on wtf you're doing you can try some other shit if ya like.
Hope this helps you get some smoke.

Just a Recap so I understand.

The silicia Armoursi, the Maxibloom is in powered form? or is there a Liquid version? Also the GH stuff CAN be used in Soil, correct?

Will get the 3 part GH if anything! Plus the Silica armoursi.

Also have GH PH down.

LMK cause this has been one of the few times where people have given me an abundant amount of information! I can order this stuff today!
Look Literally got this at door between posts …. I ordered a “ backup pen “ PH 80 to my main pen ( PH200 ) .

PH80 is $30.
PH 200 cost me $60 ( 6 months ago ) on left

Even the calibration solution came thru usps that was like $ 12 bucks.

Get yourself the tools you need.

Ya like whatever works idc. I just say maxibloom cause it's what I use and I like it so that's my goto recommendation.
Maxi, mcrop, jacks, whatever
gh 3part flora, just nothing with an alien on it or Tony the Tiger, some bamboo guy, chimpanzees, rhinos tomatoes driving fast cars etc etc
That's right...
There’s a few things I see …..

First … drop that distilled bullshit , ph down some regular ol tap water for use. Nothing fancy for PH down ( citric acid or GH PH Down )

Top dress those container with some extra OF ( scoops ) and water in at 6.7 ph ( meter ).

Plants that are blooming need more Potassium ( yellow margins on leaf / necrotic tips ) , it is also light on nitrogen.
The Top dressing will help but affected will not change back to normal you are simply trying to stop progression.

No silica or other additives at this point.

I'll throw on some soil on her tonight and water them tomorrow. She feeds every day and a half at this point.
Look Literally got this at door between posts …. I ordered a “ backup pen “ PH 80 to my main pen ( PH200 ) .

PH80 is $30.
PH 200 cost me $60 ( 6 months ago ) on left

Even the calibration solution came thru usps that was like $ 12 bucks.

Get yourself the tools you need.

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I bought a big bag of calibration packets. Also have the 7.0 solution as well. That's why I love my dingy PH pen from Amazon cause it's been roughing it out but I ended up using the lube for the probes to prolong the life.
So I got in my amazon chart 3 part GH feed, 1 - Silica Armoursi.

The GH line up can be used for both Hydroponic and Soil mediums, correct?

Is there anything else anyone can recommend besides the PH pen and TDS meter before I go through Check Out? Please and Thank you! I greatly appreciate you all for coming to my rescue. Even though the girls look like shit.
I just give her plain water though? So ease up on that?

This vid is very general but pretty much explains what I mean. No need for soil booster as she does but how top dressing “ refreshes “ that potted medium and aids in feed. Then in a week or two do it again to keep soil charged and not overly depleted.

EWC is highly recommended for any bagged soil.
