Need some guidance

First timer here. Currently have 4 (kush) in rockwool under a T5. Been a few weeks, about 8" with a handful of leaves. Think i had a over fert problem early on cause some discoloration in lower leaves, yellow spots/dry blades. Not sure if upper leaves are pale green or yellow. Also seeing red/purple veins in stems. Being colorblind dosent make this process any easier:sad:

using distilled water with floranova at 300ppm twice a week soak and glently water usually everyday.

I think its time to move teh 3" cubes to another media. not sure about what do use yet. debating a deep water culture/drip over a 400w (hortilux?). sounds painless?

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Sounds like they need more N. I cant really help you decide on a medium if your going hydro because I dont grow hydro. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
To receive the best advice you will need to post some pics. There are many educated and intelligent people on this site that are more than willing to assist.

As far a medium to transplant your rockwool to, you have a variety of options to choose from. You will have to decide what works best for you considering cost, application, etc. 3" cubes can be placed onto rockwool slabs. They can be placed in net pots and covered with hydroton rocks (to prevent algae). They can be put in a bed or pot of hydroton in a flood and drain system. They can even be put into soil.

Look at it like this. A plant rooted in a rockwool cube can be put anywhere you can put a plant, with the exception of solely a neoprene collar. Be creative and have fun. :peace: