need some hash advie


Well-Known Member
so all the alchol has evoraporated but the water that was left now has mold floating on it... if u want pics ill get them but so i have to trash the hash or can i just scoop/ scrap it off and keep it?


Active Member
is that growing on the oil or the water.

im assuming its the oil as oil tends to float on water.

well frankly im surprised anything grew. how long has it been sitting? nothing should have been able to survive the alcohol.

and water would have evaporated in a warm room in about 2-3 days.

well dont toss it out. but scraping wont be enough either, youll need to strain it through a coffee filter, mix in more alcohol to re sterilize the oil
(otherwise the spore will just resprout constantly)
you need to drive off more moisture, till its thicker, kinda like maple syrup.


Well-Known Member
well no all the alchol everopated its jsut the water that was left when i did the rinse so thats only water left