Need some help Cfl grow


Active Member
hey i have been reading around and im on day 6 and for some reason i turned the fan off for a second last night and forgot to turn it off and i believe one of my girls is burnt is there anything i can do or just let it be i burnt my first one by spraying it and baking it so i am against that the lights are fine about an inch away and the fan i got is pretty souped up for my grow box so when the fan is on it doesnt get to hot it is usually about 80 - 86 degrees in there throughout the day anybody help?



Well-Known Member
Shouldnt be a problem, they are pretty hardy plants, Put your hand above the plants, if you can feel the heat on the back of your hand the plants will feel it also. raise the lights about 2"-3" above the plants, cfl lights dont get as hot as hps. at such an early stage you dont really need to spray the leaves, this is genrally done when they are a bit bigger. when the leaves are wet sometimes the lights can act like little magnifiying glasses if the lights are to close. Hope this helps

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
in that pic they look fine just keep letting them be the only time ive had serious burns are when my cfls fell.... if theyre not yellowing or brown dont worry just let it be all that is really important is the growing temp at this point


Well-Known Member
hello hello hello is there anybody out there

Back in the day I grew with CFL's. From experience I can tell you that you do not need to have the bulb within 1 inch of the foliage. Everyone is hung up on proximity with CFL's and they think that if it's more than 2 inches away from the foliage that it loses it's efficacy. I can tell you that you can keep those CFL's 4 inches away from the tops and you won't lose anything. That will eliminate a little of the heat but you really need to keep your veg area between 70 and 78 degrees if at all possible. 86 is too hot and it will stress your plants which will hurt your yield. Make sure you bring the temps down a little. However, the seedlings in the picture that you posted all look fine.


Active Member
well they got burned cause for some reason i turned the fan off they just got a couple melted lighter green spots on them i am sure ill be fine i raised the lights about a half inch hope there growth isnt stunned for to long would this be a good excuse to use superthrive? thanks for the help

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
true but proximity is based on bulb size small bulbs should be farther 23 need to be about 2 in away 42 can be 4in away


Active Member
well i got 2 43 200 watt equivelent one cool and one warm or daytime .. two different spectrums anyways they add up to 5500 lummens like 2 inches away


Active Member
alright i just didnt want stretching but if theres no difference between an inch and 4 i my aswell raise it due to the damage that has already happened thanks a lot

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
your welcome if you stretch its from the warm white not proximity. but 1 42 6500k is strong enough for those two untill they fatten up so i wouldnt worry about stretching


Active Member
so what will happen with the burn marks will those leafs will forever be nuked or will they heal in time?
ill post another picture in the morning i might be paranoid but it looks like its getting worse but i think a 12 hour comparison will tell me much more about them but they look worse than better for sure... and i was so proud

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
well the burns wont repair but the bottom set usually falls of any way so its okay youll only have one set of burnt leaves


Well-Known Member
what is your intake and exhaust like? how is your growbox/room setup? 86 is pretty hot, you mos def don;t want it any hotter, but if you can keep it around 80, that is perfect!

kid cannabis

Well-Known Member
they look okay they should make a speedy recovery with proper care. in two weeks you wont even be able to tell


Active Member
heres my set up i turend my heater down so the room temps like 80 now but its gotta be cooler with the fan im sure and i know the foil sucks !