Need some help fellas


I germinated my Jamaican me crazy seeds all sprouted in the rock wool and a root is coming out the bottom of the rock wool and there in a tray.

Just need to know if I should put a little water in the tray? And also when to know when to transplant them to there permanent location. Thanks for the help.


unfortunately i am unable to help but hopefully by pushing this to the top somebody will be able to come up with an answer for you...

i am not using this technique however i will be monitoring this thread to learn :-)

best of luck:weed:

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I give light water when I see a root. Just enough to get the bottom wet but not to the top of the ribs. You don't want that root hair to dry out.


Well-Known Member
I've germinated in rock wool also. You have to be careful about the wool drying out overnight or while you're sleeping or busy with other stuff. I messed up a batch of 10 Northern Light seeds because I didn't realize how fast they could dry out. The seedlings got dehydrated and never recovered. Now, that was mostly because I was careless, but since then I make a point of putting anything that's in rock wool in a saucer or tray that I can fill with water every other day. As for when to put the seedlings into soil or hydro, I'd say wait at least a day or two after you see the first root poking through the rock wool cube. I'd say, based on my experience, you'd probably want to see at least three or four roots sticking out a couple mm or so.
Man once you see roots coming out the bottom plant them in medium or put them in your hydro system. I usually mist with a spray bottle until roots push out once they do straight t coco or whatever I'm growing in.


I only have a single root coming out so far nothing else. I should still plant them though? Thanks for all the help
I would.
Or you can just keep misting them until they are bigger just keep misting them in a dome if you want to see roots pop out the side.