Im growing 1 northern lights plant atm with 1 23w 2700k light and 1 23w 3000k light on it 18/6. it was planted 5 days ago and seems to be going fine, i couldn't seem to find any higher kelvin lights like 5000k at any stores around where i live, is this going to cause any problems for me? i am still looking for a higher kelvin light but are these 2 lights fine for now?
I also noticed yesterday that the ends are turning brown, is this a sign of nute burn? i gave them a very diluted shot of miracle grow yesterday because i thought it might have been a nute deficiency, was this a bad idea?
I also noticed yesterday that the ends are turning brown, is this a sign of nute burn? i gave them a very diluted shot of miracle grow yesterday because i thought it might have been a nute deficiency, was this a bad idea?