Need some help in my 4k first grow


Active Member
Well this is my first grow and my plants started flowering April 21. This how big they were in the 6 1/2^3 tent

They weather had shift really fast and it got hot as hell lol and so did my babies in the garage in the tent. So I think they got heat stressed and plus I neglected them while I was finishing up with building the room and they didn't get any water or notes for 6 days :( I know ! I was moving and all the BS! Anywho in the video below is the and here's more pics.
This when they came into the room! I know I should goto hell for this neglect lol

This what they look like today in the video.


The room is a 4000 watt hps sealed flower room , soil , with co2 can on timer on ever first 15 mins of every hour on the regulator I put it to one in a half is that enough? It's a 12x10x7ft 10 in I Ph my water with a cup and dropper and check color and the ph up and or down then I check my ppm they're at about 900 ppm right now
i don't have a set nutrient to feed them yet couldn't afford it lol but I have a shit load of different kind ill post them soon as I get to the garage please look at video to tell me ways wrong with my babies


Active Member
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