Need some help, no idea what's happening to my girls!

This looks like a bunch of things to me so i tried 2 different sprays on them looks like it starts at the tips but it can just crumble your leafs in a day or two into a half green half brown crust.



Active Member
That looks a bit like magnesium deficiency. If this is so then 1 - 2 tablespoon of Epsom salts mixed in with a gallon of water should clear it up.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
When was the last time you repotted? You may need to refresh the soil. Be sure your plant pot and soil has good drainage. I put some orginary gravel in the bottom of the plant pot to ensure good drainage, when I plant in dirt. I now use lava rock and clay gravel to grow my moms as it is easier to maintain. I don't F&D my moms; I use electronic valves, a pump and a timer(s) to water my moms and I plant them in a catch trough from a disgarded constant flow system. At least I found a realistic use for this thing. It came with an attached resivoir. I cheated and put about an inch of ordinary gravel in the trough before I added the lava rock and clay gravel. The total depth of the rock is eight inches.