Need some help on small cfls from hardware stores


New Member
I'm really trying to get the most bang for my buck on theses small cfls I see but having trouble deciding my best route I'm going to use cfl for now because it's my first indoor veg I wanted to just grad a hps /mh but my budgets real tight and I'm a rookie if you could please help it would be awesome .i want to grow about three nice size plants I will be using lst/super croping and maybe a scrog the gentics will be one auto ..advanced biodiesel and one white widow x big bud (shud I use this strian on cfls or not to be wasted) there from female seeds and ill throw in a bag seed for fun I have a hole house so it doesn't matter where it is located would like some suggestions I will also be using 5 gal pots with the cheapest soil I can get so please feel free to help me out and suggest other stuff thanks
Im getting ready to grow some Advanced Biodiesel in a dwc system. So far I havent gotten the best feedback but I do know for veg use 5000k-6500k CFL's and for flowering you use the 2500k CFL's. I went cheap and used the 23 watters from Home depot im using 6 5000k and 2 2500k giving off 12800 lumens in a 3x2 foot closet. I also have 2 t5 sunblasters that im gonna figure out how to place. I want to have a scrog setup if at all possible maybe a vertical scrog system. Have you started your setup at all?


Well-Known Member
Get as many CFL's as will fit under/inside your grow tent/box... also put them within 4-6" of plant tops/sides...GOOD LUCK!
I didnt see those bulbs at home depot but im about to look right this very minute. i did just buy those splitters that you posted though and they worked great. Turned my 4 light setup into 8 instantly.


New Member
No I really haven't started it yet and isn't it tru the higher the k on the bulbs the better for flowering and also will 12 28 watts be good for three low plants because I doubt I will use it to flower anyway since I'm just using the cfl for veg but I wanna start it now can I start the seedlings under 3 13 waters and just add as I go because those are the only ones I got now


Well-Known Member
No I really haven't started it yet and isn't it tru the higher the k on the bulbs the better for flowering and also will 12 28 watts be good for three low plants because I doubt I will use it to flower anyway since I'm just using the cfl for veg but I wanna start it now can I start the seedlings under 3 13 waters and just add as I go because those are the only ones I got now
Start with daylight or 6500K then add soft white or 2700K to flower. Yes, a dozen will work for 3 plants...I'd buy 6 of each.


New Member
The two in separate buckets are both female and showed sex in early JULY right now I have white pistils all over both plants
No I really haven't started it yet and isn't it tru the higher the k on the bulbs the better for flowering and also will 12 28 watts be good for three low plants because I doubt I will use it to flower anyway since I'm just using the cfl for veg but I wanna start it now can I start the seedlings under 3 13 waters and just add as I go because those are the only ones I got now
I dont think thats true at all I think but im not a expert at all but i think the higher the K the better it is for veg not flowering I was under the assumption you want blue for veg like the daylight CFL then the reds for flowering like Soft while 2500 CFL's I might be wrong though.


New Member
Warm or cool warm for veg and cool for flower that's for cfl blues red and yellow I thought where hps spectrums
Warm or cool warm for veg and cool for flower that's for cfl blues red and yellow I thought where hps spectrums

Well some clarification will definately make me change up my lights. I know my 2500 have a reddish color and my daylights are just that bright daylight looking lights giving off the same color as my T5's do. I read a good Tut check it out if you havent already and you can tell the difference in the colors.
Better yet I know of lot of folks read this so I'll cut the middle man for the lazy folks

Color Temperature

You might see a lot of different labels when shopping at the store for CFL’s. Label’s including Soft White, Warm White, Cool White, Bright White, Halogen White, Daylight White, Full Spectrum. And also label’s like 2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 5000K, 6400K, and 6500K. These are all the color temperature of the light you are using. This is a measure of how warm or cool the light given off by a lamp appears, with warmer colors having a yellowish tinge and cooler colors being tinged with blue. What confuses some people is that the warmer a color is, the colder its color temperature is. (ex. Warm White = 2700K). Bulbs ranging in the 2700K-3000K spectrum are usually labeled Warm White or Soft White, bulbs ranging in the 3500K – 4000K spectrum are bright white or cool white, 5000K is labeled Full Spectrum, and finally 6400K – 6500K is labeled Daylight. You can grow an entire crop with CFL’s if you chose the right spectrum of bulb’s. For Vegetation you will want to use 6500K or 5000K, and when you flower you will want to switch to 2700K or 3000K . The reason being, throughout the year the plant’s outside receive more 6500K light because the day’s in summer are long and hot and as Autumn/Winter get’s closer the day get’s shorter, and gradually receives less 6500K light and more 2700K light as the plant flower’s. Do what you can to avoid bulbs within that 3500K – 4000K because they emit very little light that Is useful to your plant. Notice here the difference between the CT of these lamp’s


New Member
Thank you and I will update sorry it's still confusing me still so what shud I get if I want to veg you think .I am going with 12 13 watt light fixtures what shud the k be sorry Agian all this 4000k and shit like that is confusing me but I'm going to have to learn lol