Need some help - plants dried out, leaves crispy


Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me, when moving my plants from my small tent to the main growing one. I forgot about them for almost two days, left them under a 600w in there small pots. The evening on the following day, i checked on them as I had recieved soil in the post for moving them to there new pots. Anyway, they were cooked, leaves are very crispy and stems bent over a little from the top. Some of the plants have a little green growth close to the stems but not much. This happend two days ago, I have since when i saw what happend, repotted them into larger pots, watered with ph'd water and left in the dark for a day then lights on for a few hours.

When touching the plant, most of the larger leaves are very crispy and some will start to kinda break up in your hand. The stems are not brittle just a little bendy near the top.

Is there anything I can do to recover them? Would spraying some water from a bottle on plants itself help?

Any advice would be great, funds are short so can't go out and buy anything very expensive.

Cheers for any advice



Active Member
A few may make it, just give them water you will know fairly quickly if they perk back up


Well-Known Member

  • I forgot about them for almost two days,​

  • Well, I guess it wasn't your kid or your dog....

    Fukk... They are dead...

    Trim off all the dead... leave just a bit of green trim off the real dead leaves...

    I'm sorry... this is a sad story...​



Sorry for your loss. Like the guys above said water them and hope for the best. Maybe a slight nute solution. I'm not sure that leaving the lights off will help, it might actually make matters worse. How old are the plants? I would definitely not play with the light too much as to avoid any further shock.

Depending on their age, personally, I would feed half strength and switch the light on to 18/6 and see where that goes. Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.