need some help please!


Active Member
first off, i'd like to say hi, i'm new to the forum and this is my first post.

okay, so my first grow isn't going too well, only 1 seed out of 7 germinated, and i don't know if something is wrong with it? it's way too tall and it falls down, so i have it tied up right now. and the leaves are quite small. it's been growing for about 2 weeks. here's some pictures, hopefully someone on here will tell me how to fix my baby out.

(sorry if the pics are too big...)



holy shit. thats the farthest stretch ive ever seen, put your lights close! you tied it to tight also! what lights are you using?


Active Member
Man what kind of light are you using?? The reason your little plant is so streched is because it is reaching for light. Get the light closer, and what kind of light are you using??


Well-Known Member
It is official this is the longest stem on a little plant ever. What kind of light are you using and how far away from the plant is it? Move it much closer just watch the heat. An internal oscillating fan will reduce your humidity on the leave's stomata and improve the stem strength as well. You might think about using a straw cut to size to support that little lady it is much more supportive and less constrictive.


Well-Known Member
Hey, don't mean to sound nasty to your little baby but I would seriously consider starting from scratch again. I had this problem with my first attempt and I eventually found this procedure the best way forward for me.

Germinate seed by placing in between 4 sheets of kitchen towel that has been soaked with distilled water. place it in a plastic food bag and seal it with a twisty. place it in airing cupboard in the dark till it sprouts about 5 to 10mm.

Get a good mix of soil that is well miced with perlite and vermiculite. Perlite helps drainage and vermiculite holds nutrients and moisture.

Plant seed with root tip facing downwards and cover top of seed with just a couple of mm of soil. Place under light straight away but not in direct light.

I have a 200W envirolite which I placed close but just to one side of the pot. The little seedling shot up but seemed to develop a thicker shorter stem as the light was hitting the stem, rather than being directly above it. The seedling did tilt towards the light but I just regularly turned it each morning and evening.

Hope this helps.

p.s. I'm a newbie too but if i was gonna try and rescue that little seedling, I think i'd re-plant it (don't touch roots) deeper so that most of that stem is covered and supported. Of course, I'm a newbie and this could be a really crap suggestion!

Anyway, more than welcome to check out my grow journal as I had similar problems...

best of luck!


i want an explanation, if you had that cfl 2 inches above that plant should not have stretched like that, look at it, thats a big freak of nature! lol! its klike 3 times as long as it normally is